Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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Well its 5.07 Laney time and she is resting peacefully.

I have been checking on my iphone through the morning but not had a chance to post till now. But I am watching LOL
Wow go laney!!! What a good girl she is for you megan!! I got dog rugs for Finn and they work great!!! I will make sure she is on my list with amandas 3 girls,Connies, penny's, delilahs lol oh gosh I dnt think I'm going to be getting any work done lol but not to worry Megan! I will be watching!! Especially with the changes she is making!! You should update your thread on marestare
tell them she is bagging up fast n needs extra eyes
their are more then enough ppl on there n just because they may not post all the time doesn't mean they aren't watching... Generally it means your mare had a lovely peaceful night
can u receive msgs on your mobile? Might do a test with you at some stage just to make sure ;D night have a great day!
Thank you ladies for watching!

Laney's udder filled even more and is still hard this morning. Her left side had been a little smaller then her right but now they are both about the same.

This morning:


Last night:


This morning:


Last Night: (not a good shot)


I tried to get shots from behind but I'll have to try again since she wanted to stand with her but towards the shed. She has is still a little wide so I don't think the foal is in position.

Cassie- Do you know the length of the dog rug you got Finn when he was born? I am going to go tomorrow and measure the ones they have and pick one if they are the right length. I think I read somewhere that the normal foal rug is about 20 inches or so from front to back. I can get texts on the top number on the cam page (but not the bottom number) Cassie so feel free to send a test text whenever you want. I am guessing I can save the number you text me from and be able to text you back? We will try.

I need to go pull up all my cams and catch up on the threads

EDIT- I am turning the cam off for a while today so the computer can have a break.
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I have a few rugs but I haven't tried them yet bas I bought them for Britt's baby

anyway they measure, 15, 16 and 17 inches from wither to tail.
Just had to share: My daughter has peed 3 times in her potty this morning with NO accidents! We tried potty training last year and she had a hard time knowing when she was about to potty and couldn't make it in time but she seems to be doing great now
Ok I am done.

EDIT- now 5 times

EDIT two- now 9 times! (she has had lots to drink lol)
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When I let Laney out today I noticed she had some blood on the inside of her hind leg.


Then I saw some thin bloody discharge from her vulva (which is looking more relaxed)


What is that?

And here are some sorry shots of her from the front and back.


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HOORAY for successful potty training!!

As Diane says, it is probably the mucus plug. So progress is making its way nicely towards us having a little BABY!
Congrats on the potty training. I HATE potty training but I will have to face it again with Abby when she decides she is ready. But its a while off yet as she wont be 2 till Sept. So possibly some time in 2013.

I agree its most likely the mucus plug. Very exciting she really is moving things along.
Getting so excited! Seems like she really wants to have this baby. I think her udder needs to fill more and be full before she has it but the previous owners aren't sure how they were before she foaled. It is still hard but she didn't kick when I checked. And the baby does need to move into position.. she doesn't have that 'v'. Is it ok for her to keep dripping blood? It's just a little bit.

I have the Mother Natures Foaling strips but I really didn't want to test her until her udder was full. Should I go ahead and try to test her sooner?

I turned their cam back on and she is in the smaller grassy paddock with Ricky. They can go where they please but that paddock must taste better then the big one. Ricky is staying very close to her right now. She has had lots of tail action but it is a little warm outside.

I need her to hold off on foaling until I get a foal blanket.. I will have to make a trip to the feed store tomorrow so we are prepared for her to go when she is ready.

Cheyenne did so well with her potty this morning and was so proud she would come and make sure she showed me every time with a huge smile on her face. I was dreading it after last time she would have accidents and get so upset but she is doing so good today.
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You will get different opinions on whether or not to milk her, I only used the strips on Britt but I did test her quite a bit and it didn't seem to bother her.

As for potty training I had some tiny sugar free sweets in the bathroom and the boys got 1 for a pee and 2 for a poo
it only took a week

Did this mare read the book or something?
I think I'll show this thread to my girls, remind them of how it should be done ;)

As Renee said, many opinions on milk testing. I do it once I put the foaling alarm on them which happens when I feel they are a change or two away from foaling. Since I like myself it usually doesn't take more then two weeks from that point to foaling
Usually less.
Once they have a decent looking bag I will give a check to see if there is anything and if yes I might test twice in the week till I see more and more increase in udder and more changes in the mare. Then I might test more frequently as in once very other day and close it down with her readyness. Once the strips are showing her closer I will test at least in the morning and then again in the evening to see if there are any jumps in readyness, last yr was my first time using them and it worked a treat for me.
I tried to see if anything would easily come out but it wouldn't and Laney had a huge fit, poor girl. I won't do that again unless she is huge or dripping. If she has played by the book so far I don't think she will foal without a full bag but I am still keeping a close eye on her.
YAy I see Laney and she is looking SO good!! her tummy hasreally dropped... but still doesn't have that V shape to her yet but she will get that real soon! I have her up for the day! :D

have a great afternoon/ night I'll try send you a text now... might take a little while to come through... but will give it a try
I got your text about 5-10 minutes ago, Cassie! I can't figure out how to text back it keeps giving me an error! This is a prepaid phone so maybe it is confused lol

I read about bloody show and I saw a lot about placentaitis. Do I need to worry about that with her at this point should she be fine?

EDIT- Cassie- I can't send international texts but I can receive them! I think I can call international though I have to read more. We got this phone just for Laney and my son when he is with his friends lol
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ok at least you can get them

I can't get over how many Americans don't have mobiles LOL in Australia everyone has them even my Dad who is technology illiterate LOL or however you spell it lol

at least I know I have your number right now and I can text you on it anytime... can you receive calls on that number too?

a bit of tail swishing happening from miss Laney at the moment... all these girls are getting so exciting!! come on penyn come to the party lol!
LOL You are right, Diane- I like to over think things and cause trouble where I have none. I am nervous and Laney is saying "Woman.... I've got this."

Cassie- I think I can make and receive international calls on that first number. They say they will disable the phone if you try to send international texts over and over though! We have cell phones though At&t as well but they are expensive and I don't want to pay the exrta $30 for texting each month. My personal cell is the second number on my cam page. The first number is the prepaid phone we got for Laney and my son lol On the prepaid I can get texts and just takes a way half a minute.

Sorry if I am confusing right now I am excited and can't finish a complete thought lol

From the angle on the cam right now Laney's belly looks like it is changing shape and she sure is swishing her tail a lot
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I was thinking the exact same thing Megan! won't be long for you now!! oh I am so excited for you!!! :D

ok so I should ring the 2nd number in case anything happens? will do!

lol my little Finn is lying down have a nice bake in the sun LOL I bet Ricky loves to lie in the sun hey Megan?

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