Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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Hi Megan I see you lurking in the darkness
LOL she hasn't forgiven me for squeezing her udder but she did come up to me for some scratches and walked away when she had had enough.

Ricky does like to lay in the sun. He normally just lays sternal now but every morning after he is done eating he takes a snooze.

I took some pictures I need to upload them. Her udder has definitely filled since dinner but still has room her hooha is not any more relaxed.
Bloody Show and placentaitis are different things, for one we LIKE to see the bloody show!
LOL Jenny

here are some pictures from tonight

First this is her udder at dinner around 5pm.. it had gone down a little during the day but not too bad


Then this is her udder about 3 hours later around 8pm.. obviously filled much more (sorry it is blurry- the camera focused on her belly fur)


Here is a side shot taken when the photo above was. Kind of looks like it is trying to 'v' but not the best yet.


And a shot from behind right after


Notice ALL the hay everywhere. I put it in the feeders and she roots around in it and it ends up blanketing the ground lol
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wow looking pretty v shape to me lol wnt be long now
as soon as those teats seperate I reckon you will have yourself a little cutie foal!! YAY she is munching her hay at 10:53pm
She's a tall mare so she may not get that perfect 'v' but she is doing a good job! I need to get to sleep now.. she didn't look like she was thinking of going tonight but I still have my phones with me just incase. Goodnight/Good day everyone
I'm watching her Megan, I think your safe for tonight... will call you if I see anything amiss.

have a good night sleep... she is standing resting at the moment
She's just standing around as if she has no cares in the world.

Pretty mare, btw. Should make a very pretty foal!
5.18 and she is stood just outside the stall and all is quiet.

I have been tuned in all morning but only getting a chance to post now.
Thank you everyone!

She is quiet this morning. Nothing big going on with her udder.. looks almost the same as last night.

I'd love to start a guessing game for her of the date of birth, color and sex of her foal- for fun

I think it will be March 26.. a black and white pinto filly
Yay, Diane!! I see you changed your date lol

Here is her udder at breakfast this morning. Day 311


And here she is a few minutes ago. She has opted to lay in an area I haven't seen her lay in yet and at an odd time for her but she seems tired.


EDIT- Just caught her down flat for the first time ever
Now she is up

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March 25th, 3.10 am filly/colt (keeping my options open!!) Bay pinto.

Megan, which side of your barn are you putting her in to foal? Just want to suggest that you give some thought to an extra sheet of something to cover the gap in your wall partition (also your gate/door from what I can see, if you are using the right side). Foals are well known for getting legs/heads/even whole bodies stuck in the most strange of gaps - if it is there they will find it. They will also find any projections/sticking out bits to bump themselves on, especially when they are first trying to stand and falling about all over the place (often head first into a wall - ouch!!). So unless it is absolutely impossible for some very good reason, all 'walls' in a foaling stall should be smooth and solid.

Cant wait for this baby to arrive, she seems to have been 'travelling' towards us forever, plus, as I said to Hazel about Delilah, Laney is one of our special originals and that makes it so much more exciting!!

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