Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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oh no, get well soon.
Oh hope you feel better soon Megan, but maybe it is a good chance to get a bit of rest before the foaling excitement!!

Cant remember, but did I say the 25th for Laney to foal? Dont think she is going to prove me right - she's making steady daily progress but think she has a few more days to go yet as that bag needs to fill to the brim and the teats separate! I feel quite disapointed, I might have to go find myself a bottle of something to drown my sorrows!

Hi Jessica - great to have you join us! What a pretty little mare you have, but we would love to hear more about her and your other animals - with pictures of course. I have to say that while Cassie might be quite 'normal' (and I use that term lightly) the rest of us 'old girls' are indeed a little strange and quirky (I like that word Diane) at times. But we are quite harmless, so feel free to post anywhere and join in the fun!

(dam, I still cant get the emoticons to work most of the time. grrrrrrrr)
March 17 @ 11:40pm -pintoloosa Filly (Hazel)

March 20 or 28 -bay pintaloosa Colt (Diane)

March 23 (Vickie)

March 25 @ 3:10 am -bay pinto (Anna)

March 26 -black and white Filly (Me)

March 27 -black and white pinto- Filly (Cassie)

March 30 @ 4:15 am - sorrel pintaloosa Filly (Renee)

March 31 @ 2:30 am -bay pinto Filly (Karina)

March 31 @ 2:30 am -black pinto Filly (Parmela)

bay pinto Filly (Bree)

Yup you did guess the 25, Anna. I don't think she will go tomorrow.. think it will take a few more days. No need to drown in any sorrows though lol

Thank you ladies.. I do think I am going to take advantage and get some much needed rest. Just what I need.
Will be opening the bottle in about an hour from now (think I had better do teatime horses first) anyone care to join me???
Laney's udder didn't go down during the day and she was out with Ricky so she was more active. She is moody and she got at him a few times.

There is a storm coming and she is seeming nervous again. I think it is over the weather. She is more alert then usual like she was this week when the weather was bad.
Just looked and we are under a tornado watch and thunderstorms could be severe. Hoping it isn't too bad and that the horses stay in their shelter.
Ah Ha!! (hick!) maybe she is going to prove me right after all (hick)! Dam, my bottle is beginning to look more empty than full (hick) - why did I start it? Perhaps just another small glass will sober me up a bit? How are you doing Diane? (hick)

Hang in there Laney - tonight is now NOT such a good time!
Sorry Megan, posted at the same time as you. Tornado???? Goodness, I didn't realise you lived anywhere near that area. Saying prayers that you all stay safe!!
Tornados around here are were rare but we got hit last year so the weather is really changing and there have been nasty storms in the last year on this side of the US with lots of tornados and damage. Hope tonight isn't going to be bad. A bad storm is just under us now I think we will only get the back edge of it.

Tonight is NOT the night to go Laney! Wait until AFTER Sunday or Monday when the ground is dry!
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And of course it is raining and she is standing in the middle of it
Laney's udder is about the same as this morning. Can't tell if it's bigger- it may be a slight bit. I was able to get out a little secretion really easy this time but didn't try to keep milking to get enough to test. I will wait until she has filled more. Her poops are still kind of mushy. She yawned a few times while I was outside. I am going to check her one more time and get to bed.

Night night / good day everyone
5.45am and all looks quiet - Laney munching on her hay. Cant see her tummy properly from this angle but it does look as though she might have dropped a bit more!
She is looking a bit more V shaped this morning. I cant wait to hear the update on everything else
Her belly is looking more dropped. She did some more filling in her udder last night



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