Oh hope you feel better soon Megan, but maybe it is a good chance to get a bit of rest before the foaling excitement!!
Cant remember, but did I say the 25th for Laney to foal? Dont think she is going to prove me right - she's making steady daily progress but think she has a few more days to go yet as that bag needs to fill to the brim and the teats separate! I feel quite disapointed, I might have to go find myself a bottle of something to drown my sorrows!
Hi Jessica - great to have you join us! What a pretty little mare you have, but we would love to hear more about her and your other animals - with pictures of course. I have to say that while Cassie might be quite 'normal' (and I use that term lightly) the rest of us 'old girls' are indeed a little strange and quirky (I like that word Diane) at times. But we are quite harmless, so feel free to post anywhere and join in the fun!
(dam, I still cant get the emoticons to work most of the time. grrrrrrrr)