Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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The swans down at the water



Madam Ducky


Some pics taken while we were driving home yesterday


Wow! Karina those pictures are gorgeous!! So glad you had a good time!
wow what wonderful pics, It looks absolutely delightful there ( somewhere I would like to run away to) Thanks for sharing and welcome back
Her belly does look different, Diane.

I was just checking on her and she had just pooped a pure cow pattie. Legs are so wide she waddles like a pregnant woman. She is looking really good!

And it does suck to be a momma when you are sick- you don't get a break. My hubby was in bed all day but I haven't stopped yet. I will get a chance to rest here in a little though so that will be nice.
I hope you all get well soon (especially hubby) sick men are the worst thing on this planet
Megan is taking pics
I didn't want to ask for them cos you feel sick so thank you so much
and here comes chubby chops the poop sniffer
he thinks he is the man of the house
now he is rolling himself silly
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No problem, Renee. I have just made myself some hot green tea and am waiting on the photos to load.
And this is what Ricky thinks of you calling him a 'chubby chops poop sniffer'




Now to the business at hand:

Here's Laney's udder from just now



And because I post her parts so much I decided to show some decency and post her beautiful self as well


and then from behind LOL


Her belly isn't as nicely 'v'ed right now but the 'peak' has moved forward it looks like to me.
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Ricky is such a star

Laney's udder is progressing just perfectly but it looks like the baby has moved back a bit
Oh I love his facial expressions - he has such a sense of humour LOL!!

Laney is looking really good - having to change my date again (Isaid the 2nd) - going to guess Good Friday (6th). Sorry, it looks as though you will have to shut and lock your expected visitors into the house!!
The 6th keeps staying in my head too. Just hope the weather is easy on us before and during.

Does a mares hips separate a little before foaling? She is walking and standing do awkward now.. very stiff and further apart then before. If the baby isn'y occupying that space further towards her tail is it her hips themselves?
Wow she is looking good:) Ricky is so funny lol little man! Have you had the vet ouit yet?

Hmmm yeah I'm thinking it's going to be well I almost wanting to be with the girls for Friday but that's ok I'll go Easter sunday
she is doing really really well
yay laney :D get some rest tonight Megan
I'm watching for you.... Well not yet lol bout in about an hour or two I will be lol
She is looking great Megan. And I know I have said it before but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rickys head - he is just so purdy

Its a full moon on Friday so that must be what she is waiting for. I notice my mares walk really wide behind too when close to foaling. Shimmer was funny last yr as when her bag was fully loaded she walked like she had a bus between her legs, it was really funny to watch her
Thank you everyone. I am sorry I haven't been posting. Still feel poopy.

I will be going to check Laney in a little bit. She has been rubbing her bum some tonight. Her bag didn't go down at all during the day.

I'll update again before I go to bed.
8:35pm and she is standing on the left hand side, resting looking big LOL gorgeous girl! won't be long now!!

Megan you have to get better really quick!!! :D
Laney has pure mushy poop and was yawning while I was out there.

I know I have to get to bed now.. right after I post these pics.

She has something that looks like a vein in the back of her udder? its not a crease..



Vulva was also long and relaxed.

I am off to bed. Goodnight/day!
LOOKING GOOD!!! she is really filling behind now... I'm going with Easter Sunday!!! =D

just in time for you to get better... now go to sleep LOL

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