I know what you mean Renee, at least she's in now - earlier she was down almost out of view and I wasn't sure if she was rubbing herself on the gatepost or doing some kind of peculiar dance!! LOL!!
What's the betting she spends a good part of the coming night right down at the bottom of her pen just to keep us all guessing as to what she's up to!!
YAY 9:34pm and she is eating her hay! if you want to get some rest let me know... although I'm sure your to excited to rest lol I am here and have your number I'll text you or ring you if I think she is looking interesting
I am going to try to take a nap now Cassie- just let me know if she is interesting and I will post when I am up. I am not sure if I will fall asleep I am so excited but I am still sick so I need a little rest if I can get it.
did Laney scare you just then lol she scared me she got down right in between the two stables and all I could see was her head I'm rushing to try and get a msg typed up thinking she is foaling but she did a big roll and got straight back up phew! good girl Laney!
I know have a draft msg ready to send to Megan LOL I should add Renee into that as well will do that now lol