My hubby is supposed to name this foal but he said he doesn't think he will come up with anything.. so this morning hearing Cheyenne say 'Tinkerbell' made me think of something like 'Montana's Southern Belle' and calling her Tink or Tinker. Don't know if my hubby will approve though.
I actually like your name Megan. Just cant wait to see the baby.
She was standing sideways to the camera and it looks to me like her bump has moved forward and is now closer to her front legs so maybe tonight???
She surely has to go soon as everything is there and as her milk is so close to ready and going by that pic you took there is just nothing much left to prepare or cook
Have you told her that she is ready - maybe she doesnt know yet
I think I will have a chat with her when I go out to check her in a little bit. I'll tell her she won't be bred again this year and will have a break so not to worry.
She seems to be feeling some pressure. Was butt rubbing a little ago and now she is in her stall with her bum on the wall and her ears back.
I was about to lay down for a nap but now I will just rest by the computer and window. I don't want to doze off and her be hiding out of view from the cam!