Well-Known Member
I am afraid to admit my methods cos Aunty Anna will be after me with a stick! Lol I worked with horses for such a long time where I had no time to faff around that I go straight for the kill with anything that could be potentionally dangerous for me or the horse. Even though the horses I worked with where over 1.80cm at the whithers and were generally basket cases I still can't help myself with the minis. I am very happy with Dipinto and he is a very calm and balanced little boy so I guess it doesn't hurt them. Britt was a nightmare when she arrived and it took me 3 days to catch her and you have all seen what an absolute angel she is now so Megan there is no way you are going to do any harm to Tink.
My first clip I hold them firmly so they can't wiggle and just get to work, if they panic at the head I just twitch them using my hand. If you put cotton in their ears it helps and I have some maple syrup hand for them to lick when they are good. Remember to keep calm and hold the clippers on her always even when you need to go back just slid them backwards but still on her, often the stopping and starting of the vibration upsets them but if you keep the clippers on her she will relax. After they realise that they didn't die the first time it just gets better and better.
I need to clip Dipinto so if I can convince Matteo to help I will get him to film it for you. I am actually dieing to clip Merlin cos I can see white on his bum and I am secretly praying for spots. (blush)
My first clip I hold them firmly so they can't wiggle and just get to work, if they panic at the head I just twitch them using my hand. If you put cotton in their ears it helps and I have some maple syrup hand for them to lick when they are good. Remember to keep calm and hold the clippers on her always even when you need to go back just slid them backwards but still on her, often the stopping and starting of the vibration upsets them but if you keep the clippers on her she will relax. After they realise that they didn't die the first time it just gets better and better.
I need to clip Dipinto so if I can convince Matteo to help I will get him to film it for you. I am actually dieing to clip Merlin cos I can see white on his bum and I am secretly praying for spots. (blush)