How long is Ricky tied up for? I'll leave my babies tied up for 3 hours sometimes! I'll go outside to work, catch them, tie, and get back to whatever I was doing
Given that on show day they'll spend all day standing tied up at the float it's good practise.
I have a rule I stole from Casey Campbell when he came out here to do clinics. If I'm in front of my horse his attention must be on me, if I'm next to him then we aren't working so he can look around, etc.
If he loses attention, jiggle the lead/chain. If that doesn't get it back run him backwards. You need to make sure you catch him as he turns away though, it's a lot harder to correct when they are facing behind them but if you can catch them as the ears and eyes start to wander (before the head has even turned) then the jiggle is usually enough.
Shortest blade I've seen used is an 8 but most people show clip in a 30 with 40 and 50 on faces followed by shaving if you like it. You can also show in a 10 clip, I did while I was learning to clip as it was far less extreme... and showed less mistakes!

I have a rule I stole from Casey Campbell when he came out here to do clinics. If I'm in front of my horse his attention must be on me, if I'm next to him then we aren't working so he can look around, etc.
If he loses attention, jiggle the lead/chain. If that doesn't get it back run him backwards. You need to make sure you catch him as he turns away though, it's a lot harder to correct when they are facing behind them but if you can catch them as the ears and eyes start to wander (before the head has even turned) then the jiggle is usually enough.
Shortest blade I've seen used is an 8 but most people show clip in a 30 with 40 and 50 on faces followed by shaving if you like it. You can also show in a 10 clip, I did while I was learning to clip as it was far less extreme... and showed less mistakes!