I just recently had a horse shipped and wasn't happy with the serivce. This isn't to start a flaming thread or anything... I just need a little advice. My yearling filly was hauled with three yearling colts, and all four horses were put in the tack comparment. The seller told me that there were two colts in her stall when she was loaded, but she was so stunned that she didn't think to say anything. She called me right away, so I called the shipper very concerned about my filly. They informed me that the colts were getting off the trailer in an hour or two. Yea right! They picked up another colt and drove across North Dakota into Montana with all four of those guys smashed into the tack compartment. Another member here is one of the colt's new owners and she saw this first hand. She was appauled as was I when I heard. Of course by the time my filly got here she was alone in the tack compartment. I know that two of the colts belonged to the shipper himself and I feel that he used me and this other member to pay for his colts ride home. I paid $450 and I felt this was for a whole stall. I paid $575 to ship a horse from Texas with these same shippers. What can I do!? They had someone else do the delivering and when I asked him about this he didn't know anything, of course.... Is there any action I can take? Thanks for any imput!