Lets see your "special" miniature horse..

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After selling my sweet 16hh TB, I ached to have a horse again. It had taken me until I was 25 to get my first horse and I did not want to go horseless again even though I was not going to be able for the next nine months and some after. I had seen some minis and decided that was the way to go. I found a small farm that bred a few minis a year and the breeders introduced me to their weanlings. That's when he picked me. The fuzzy grey weanling came up to me and my step-daughter and stayed with us to be petted. Funny thing is he was exactly what I saw in my mind that I wanted before I even met him. He is now my Trigger. Not show quality, so what, but sweet, calm, lovable, gentle and sometimes a little naughty. I could not have asked for a kinder horse.

I have owned and known many wonderful horses thru the years. The one owning the biggest chunk of real estate in my heart is my tiny (25") gelding Ruckus. I purchsed his Dam in foal with him and he was the second foal born on our farm. He was only 16" at birth but had the moxy and attitude of a horse 10X his size (still does). I'll never forget the vet coming in and picking him up to give him his tetanus shot and saying "Wow, he's gonna be tough." very sarcastically. Four tries later he finally managed to stick him. Everyone tended to underestimate him because of his ultra tiny stature.

Now he's coming on 2 and probably pretty close to done growing and everyone who meets him either here on the farm or out and about, falls head over heels in love with him. Its impossible not to. Not only is he cuter than the dickens, he has the sweetest, most charming personality. He is my "Happy Place".
Ruckus as a baby with my son Nicholas

Ruckus out in the field

Ruckus playing with Sam

Ruckus and Me
The stories and pictures are just awesome! Very heartwarming.

I have lots of fur babies to love, but one that has just stolen our hearts and will never leave our farm is Mira. Star Ridge Acres Golden Miracle was born April 5th, 2007 at 283 days gestation. Many of you may remember my many posts (usually hysterical) about trying to keep her dam from going too early, which she had a history of doing.

When Mira came out she was healthy looking and had energy; but we had the vet out and it was decided she needed to go to the hospital. She was 13" tall and weighed under 10lbs (that's the lowest their scale went). Her story is on her personal page of our website, but basically she was just so underdeveloped that she couldn't survive without intervention. And actually, they only gave us a 20% chance that she'd survive even with hospitalization.

But she pulled through and today, other than her stature, she's pretty much normal. Well, as normal as Mira is ever going to be!
She's all of about 24" at this point and will probably mature at around 26" or so. Probably never big enough to breed, but don't tell her that! She's all about showing off for the boys!
And she has the personality of a 38" mare! She's a total #%&$ and pushes everybody around. She will pin her ears if you don't cough up the treats fast enough and she'll push herself in between you and any other horse to make sure she gets all the attention...oh, and treats!

Another funny story about Mira is that she doesn't actually know her name is Mira. One of the side effects of one of her problems as a baby was that she had constant diarrhea. So we started referring to her as Poopy Butt. Well, we must have done it so much that she thought that was her name because that's the ONLY thing she answers to!!!
I took her into Liberty class ONCE and will never do it again! I tried...and tried...and tried to get her attention to catch her by calling her Mira, but no dice! We finally got DQd and so I said "Poopy, come to me!" and that little $#%& turned on her heels and came right to me.

Mira, aka Poopy, was shown as a weanling at Nationals and to our total surprise and pleasure she brought home a top ten in a class of 23!
It was a huge accomplishment for her and us. She was the smallest in the class by far but she looked pretty darn good!
We actually had no measurement on her for Nationals as her official card said "less than 24 inches" as that was the smallest their stick went!
She was probably around 22".

But I wouldn't change a thing. We spent over $8k getting her on the ground and then keeping her alive. Will I ever get that back? No, but she brings us lots of joy and that has no price on it.

Here are some pics:





Her dam is 29.5" and her sire is 33.75".
I own 4 Mini's myself and love all 4 to death. All are special to me in their own way and I cant imagine parting with any of them. However, I have 2 that hold a very special place in my heart.

The first one is Norma Jean Baker ("Sassy"). I bought her 7 years ago as a pretty shabby looking 2 year old. She has turned out to be the best money I have spent. She was my first Mini I bought on my own and the one who fueled my interest and love for the Miniature Horse breed. She spent 4 years as a Halter mare and was beaten only 2 times. She spent 3 years in the show ring driving and never saw below 2nd place. She is a horse who lives for and loves the show ring. She is quiet and nothing exciting at home, but swells up to think she's 17 hands when she knows she is going to a show. She is smart enough to know when all games are off ad it's show time and when she can be her goofy, silly self. She is "the real deal" when it comes to being a show horse. She has that important show horse quality of wanting to be a show horse more then anything in the world. In 2005, she gave me a filly who has won me over, and then stepped right back into the show ring and never skipped a beat. The decision was made to retire Sassy after this show season. She has given me 7 awesome years in the show ring and we have done very goal I set out to do. How the mare who lives for the show ring will handle not being loaded on the trailer and heading to shows has yet to be seen, but I really look forward to showing future "little Sassy's" in the years to come. If they have half the heart and WANT she has, they'll make it just fine. I am forever grateful to this mare and feel as if she owes me NOTHING, while I owe her everything. I have always kept it to myself that this mare who won so much with me was nothing more then a $200(no, thats not a typo) shaggy unattractive coming 2 year old who I saw something in. She proved me right and I feel lucky to have her in my life




The other Mini I have who is very special to me is a horse out of the above mare. VPS Just A Tad Bad("Callie") is a 2005 silver bay mare, who somehow made me fall in love with her. The stallion she is by has thrown some pretty tough babies, and this one is no exception. She has been one of the most frustrating horses I have worked with, but also the one who has taught me the most. In the fall/winter of 2007 she got very sick and it was questionable whether she was going to pull through. I think it was then I became so attached to her and learned just how tough she really was. She is a tough mare with alot of fight, and pulled through. We are still working on being able to do obstacles at home AND a the shows(cause you know, the obstacles at the shows are MUCH more scary then the EXACT ones you have at home) and this fall I was finally able to get her long lining without her having a meltdown. I get the most satisfaction out of this mare. You have to put so much time and effort into her and truly understand her, but there is no feeling in the world like it when she finally "gets it" and you know it's because you did it right with her. She is a sensitive mare, that if you treat her right and she trusts you, will give everything she has to you. If you hurt her, scare her or she doesn't trust you, she shuts down and you might as well forget about doing anything with her. She has all the talent in the world and I wish she'd think well enough to be a driving horse, as it all comes so easily to her, but she just isn't there mentally yet. She's got more natural talent on long lines with her legs then most of my Saddlebreds did and she makes you stand there and say "wow". But, as frustrating as it is, she just isn't ready to pull a cart behind her. She is a mare, that if you TELL her, she'll shut down and you are all done. However, if she trusts you and you ASK her, she'll try her hardest to give you everything she has. She was my first foal born here, and although she has been a TOUGH case to crack, I cant imagine her not being here and am grateful for what she has taught me along the way.





I remember when she was born. What an amazing little girl. I loved seeing all of those photos, especially the one with, I'm guessing that is you holding her. What a doll. I agree, money well spent.
Mira is just adorable and I could not resist doing the following photos of her:








Forgot to add 1 picture of Mira in prior photos, here is the added picture:







Yes, it was money well spent. At the time, with the hospital crabbing because they wanted their money RIGHT NOW and how hard it was to come up with that type of money on such short notice, and the stress of her every single day taking a step forward and a step back...well, I thought I might have a nervous breakdown.
But we made it and she made it and now she's a total crack up!
It was worth it.

And Lisa,

O M G!
Those pictures are just beautiful and will be treasured for sure! I can't thank you enough. They made me cry, they are just so beautiful.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I have loved reading all the stories about your special minis, some even brought tears to my eyes, all brought smiles
I have 7 minis and each one is special in their own way but one is my "heart" horse too. That is my Jazz aka Cross Country All That Jazz. When I first saw him he was walking into the ring at an auction sale and even though I didn't go there to buy a horse I thought I must have him, something in him called to my heart so I bid on him and he was mine
I called my husband to bring the trailer and we loaded up in pouring rain and set off home. When we were fairly close to home disaster struck and the trailer came off the hitch, thank goodness my husband was driving as I know I would have panicked but he kept his cool and managed to stop the van and trailer without flipping either one. I jumped in the trailer to see if Jazz was alright and he was happily munching hay like nothing had happened. It was then we found that the pin was missing and of course we couldn't carry on without that so I went to my friends house just around the corner and she brought her truck and we managed to hitch the trailer to that for the rest of the trip home. We don't know what happened to the missing pin, maybe someone took it but I have been vigilant ever since checking and rechecking that the pin is there before we leave home, on arrival at a show and before we leave to return home etc. In 2 weeks we went to our first show and Jazz went Grand Champion Gelding, he is such a ham, he shows off when he is in the ring because he thinks he is all that and of course in my eyes he is. Not just for what he has achieved in the show ring (HOF Halter 2008) but because he is my snugglebug, he has this special look when he arches his neck and looks at me that I know he wants a snuggle
He is so good and kind with everybody, I take him on visits to nursing homes, he was a mascot for one Nursing Home this year and last for their walkathon to raise funds for the seniors rooms. He has also visited the one my Mother is in and last time he was there he went on the elevator without fuss. I just love this little guy





Well my special mini would have to be my soul mate in horse form, Triple C's Mikey's Little Harley Moon, aka harley. I have had horses since i was 3 yrs old. starting with a 18 yr old welsh pony mare named Bristol Fantasia. Moving on to Missouri Fox trotters qhs and quarabs. in 2003 i began looking for a new horse, because at the time i had sold my Missouri Fox Trotter mare. I had gone to some mini farms with my trainer, because she was a farrier. We had gone to Triple C Minature Horses in refugio tx and i had really loved what i saw there. I had fallen in love with a buckskin mare named Tinkerbell and because of that mare a the farm had always stayed in the back of my mind as a possiblility. After looking at countless farms i decided to try and find Triple C's again. So on a trip home from seeing my doctor in houston, i convinced my family to stop by and look at the foals or anything they had for sale. At this point my parents were completely against me getting a miniature horse. they didnt see the point. But we stopped anyway. I asked about tinkerbell, but was told she was sold. so we went out to look at the foals she had. sitting in the back of a paddock of weanling fillies was a little black appy colt standing a mere 26 inches tall. somthing about him captured my eye. it was like every horsey childs dream of owning there very own black stallion and mine was standing right in front of me. After we got home my mother asked me if anything at the farm had stood out to me and i promptly told her of the little black colt.

well lo and behold that xmas my parents and i took a trip back up to triple c with a trailer in tow and brought home the little black colt.

at first he scared me to death because he was crazed and very nippy and was everything my mother expected a shetland pony to be. he would charge my father and rear up on him. bite me and was pretty much a royal holy terror. All it took was one time of him rearing up and kicking me in the shoulder for me to decide that this horse was not goin to win. So the work began.

After months of working on him to try and get him manageable he finally accepted that he didnt have to be bad and scared. that he could be loved on and be sweet.

After all of this.. he began greeting me every morning at the fence with a whinny and a swish of his tail jumping around.

i have never had a bond with a horse so strong as i do with this little horse. he is my best friend and will never leave me. he was my first miniature and what started my obsession with the small equine. my first show horse, my first first place ribbon and my first love. I love this horse so much. so without further ado.





Portrait model i painted of him


and at our last show

I haven't read threw everyone's post, but this is a great thread... I love all 4 of my fur children. So, I feel I have 6 "kids" instead of just the 2 legged ones..
I have been very down, because of a lot of things, but one is that with the way I am working, I haven't spent much time with my "babies".. I just came in from the barn for our midnight visit..(which being on 3rds) doesn't happen much..And my "heart mini" made me feel so much better.. She has a way of always doing that.. Posie is my special horse. I am not sure if it was because of her severe colic after only having her a month or what, but we have a bond that I didn't know that you could have with a horse..She has been upset with me since adding our newest addition.. But he doesn't like all the fuss, and she knows that. I am just shocked that she has changed in her behavior.. Not as much with me but the others. She isn't at the bottom of the todem pole anymore.. But she is the first to greet me, and is glued to me.. She loves my hugs, and lets me cry on her mane..She wasn't raised with children, but she loves Faith and it is like she knows the difference between little 40 lbs 7 yr, and my 5ft, 9, 165lb 13 yr son.. She is so gentle..She is my golden girl..(her nickname from the very expensive vet bill

Enough rambling on, my sweetie, my Miss Posie:



She is eay on the eyes, in my heart too..
my best friend was Levi, he is the picture on the side. here is my article from the Pinto Horse magazine I'd like to share, be prepared to cry. Levi's Story- A Bittersweet World Show I still miss my best freind so much, but I have Duke now and he has helped a lot. Thanks for letting me share.
WOW :DOH! . That is a very touching story! Sorry for your loss though, I know how it is to lose a best friend! But am glad that is worked out for you Beau And Phantom! Nice job on all the accomplishments
Here are my special girls...while I love all of my "kids"...and there are certainly a few more that I would really have a hard time being without...these 2 have me wrapped around their little hooves

First is Little Americas Soshowme Buckeroo, national champion, reserve national champion and 6 time top 10 (most of her wins are in pleasure driving and roadster, with 1 top 10 in her color class). She is the first horse I have gotten to take to nationals and she made it quite an experience...and even if she had bombed and didn't place, it wouldn't have mattered...I'd love her just as much. She is quite the little princess and she knows it...she knows she has me RIGHT where she wants me and I'd do anything for her. In fact, we got disqualified in one of our driving classes because she got what she wanted...she had been doing a number on my farm table as I was harnessing her...because how dare I actually tie her up to harness her...that would horribly offensive...I mean she's practically a person!...she would just "help" make sure my table was arranged just right...and make sure the candy I had was going to work for her...and yes, I know...she really should just be tied
Well...she decided she needed some red licorice...I thought nothing of it...in fact that is one of her FAVORITE treats...well we went in our class and according to one of the judges we would have been 1st under all 3 judges but they had to DQ us because she was bleeding from her mouth...so I freak out...we go outside where Annette (HHP) and my hubby are trying to figure out what the deal is...and my hubby says "what did you feed her"...so I reach up...smell her mouth...and sure enough...strawberry twizzler...whoops
Guess I won't be doing that again. So anyway...here is Cat...my special girl...who is in foal for her first baby in '09...so I know for a fact I'm going to be a WRECK!



My other special girl is Flyin G's American Beauty, a George daughter. I bought her dam in foal with her...her dam is a gorgeous BOB daughter who really has no use for people for the most part...when Chloe was born I couldn't touch her...couldn't get near her...it took me a good 8 months before we could even get close to her...you would NEVER in a million years guess that she was that way now! I showed her for a couple of years also, she was Cat's stall mate so the 3 of us were very close and had a good time being not very serious...I think they probably both think they are people...they've both let themselves in my house to check things out...so we can't leave any doors open if they're near a door coming into the house...they are spoiled rotten and it really is all my fault they're brats about it...but I can't help it! My hubby lovingly refers to Cat as "Cat the Brat"...I haven't heard him come up with anything for Chloe...I just call them my little princesses
Oh, and Chloe is bred as well...for a Summer foal...so I'll get a little bit of a break before I completely stress out again!




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