Linda, I have to give you the BIGGEST THANKS EVER for taking care of my new baby at the NbarH show yesterday!! (I'm sorry he was such a brat)! You made his feet look like they've never looked before! You were SO PATIENT with him, you went above and beyond, thats for sure!!! That was SO NICE OF YOU to take the time out to do that at a show!!! I am so relieved, you can't imagine!!!!
Are there any mini "get togethers", meetings, anything like this from now until show season this spring? I get HORRIBLY depressed in the winter. I think it would do us all some good if we could meet for lunch on a weekend or sometime that we could all agree on, or dinner, at a restaurant. One of the big horse message boards does this that I am on. Weather pending of course! It works out great for them! They have a blast!! If anybody has any ideas, please let me know! I would love to get together with the New Hampshire/Maine mini horse people or anybody that doesn't mind driving a bit! I can't imagine not seeing all of you until next spring!