splash's mom
Well-Known Member
If you get a chance, I'm told that on Monday Little Einstien the mini born in Barnstead N.H. is going to be on Oprah with his owners. I just thought that was neat.
I just now watched the 'Einstein' segment on Oprah. Like Sue C., I was a bit taken aback that the owners brought him out in a DOG HARNESS. Made me wonder if they hadn't gotten him properly used to a halter?
He is cute as a bug, and to their credit, he was NOT clipped, suitable to this time of year. That said, at times he appeared a bit 'roach' backed, but, it could have just been the fuzz. Otherwise, he still looked pretty proportionate; his head is a bit long, but that's not unusual in a good number of minis, esp.the 'tinies', IMO...it just comes with the territory(i.e., teeth don't reduce in size as 'quickly', and the jaw has to accomodate them.) I am anxious to see how he develops as he matures.
Like Paris with her dog in her purse, I am sure we will see many people running around with tiny minis in dog harnesses thinking its cute after this episode. I'd say if you are trying to sell your dwarfs, the market for them just got a lot better.
you know, I don't know how tall he was at birth or what he weighed but..Tonys little colt, Fan Man is only 21 inches and I think he is about the same age...seems Einstein was 14 inches at birth if I remember correctly and thats quite a growth spurt at 5 months don't you think? Wonder how he will mature...guess we all will be watching...cute lil begger tho ..love his witto face