Liver Biopsy

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Has anyone on here had a liver biopsy and if so would you be willing to tell me about it either here or in a PM? I just had a pancreas and kidney transplant and everything has been great with those, but I have had a high liver function since before the transplant and now they want to see if they can find anything by doing a biopsy. So, if anyone is willing to tell please contact me. My biopsy is March 2.

I don't have any experience but wanted to let you know that I hope they find out what the issue is so it can be resolved!!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I can't answer your question but wanted to wish you well and offer my prayers and good thoughts to you.
OK, I just looked up info on the internet, and the biggest thing that got me is the diameter size of the syringe they use to get the biopsy. They describe it as the diameter of a pen refill :new_shocked: :new_shocked: . It's good I'm blind on my right side as maybe I can force myself not to look
: . It also says you stay in bed for 8 to 12 hours after your out of the hospital, but I have a 3 hour drive home first so I'll have to ask about that.

Oh Amanda, you've been through enough. It's time for your body to just take a rest from putting a strain on you.

I don't know anything about the procedure, but I'll add you to a prayer list I'm going to start right now.

Does drawing help fill your hours with joy?

Drawing and my hosrses are stress therapy. When I am drawing or with my horses I don't think about the hard things going on. I did have a checkup with the doctors today who did my transplant and it is looking great with that so there is good news at least
: .

Hey Amanda,

I can't help with the liver biopsy, but I did have a pancreas biopsy. They are right about the size of the needle. If you want details, pm me Take care
My husband had a liver biopsy a few years ago, and it really wasn't that big of a deal (ok I know easy for ME to say, it wasn't ME)

But I went with him to the hospital, it was done on an outpatient basis, and immediately after it he had to stay on his side for a while and not move. So I stayed with him, gave him his juice drinks and waited on him hand and foot.
Drove him home, and he had to lie pretty still for several hours, as you said, and then he was fine.

After having organ transplants, this ought to seem like a walk in the park for you. I do hope that you have someone who can drive you home though, I imagine the doctors would insist on it and surely it would be best.

Here's hoping that your liver is just fine and dandy and the doctors are just being cautious, as they were with my hubby. Good luck!
The organ transplants were a piece of cake as I was knocked out :lol: . I say knock me out and wake me up when it's all over. Thanks for the info though. One of the people that works for my dad had one a few years ago and he said it was OK and everyone tells me that he's a baby about those things. I guess if I could handle the heart catheterization awake I'll be able to do this too. I was just hoping I was done with hospitals for awhile. I guess they would miss me if I stayed away too long :lol: . Gotta keep them in business.

I guess if I could handle the heart catheterization awake I'll be able to do this too.

You have grit in my book! I know this procedure is in my future, when? I don't know. I have mitral valve prolapse, not that bad now, just a slight slushy sound. My Dad was very generous and passed it down to me, and I in turn gave it to my daughter. What are families for? :bgrin I have watched this procedure and it gives me the willies to know I will have to do it.

My Dad was a liver transplant patiant for 8 years before he passed with complications from knee surgery. He had to have one done every year at his check up, he didn't really make that big a deal out of it. I know he didn't look forward to them, but it was more of an inconvieniance (sp?) type of thing. Take care of yourself and do exactly what the transplant doctors tell you to. I have a great respect for them, they were wonderful with my Dad. May I ask where you got your transplants at?
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My transplants were done at through Lifelink in Tampa, Florida and I would reccomend them to anyone :aktion033: :aktion033: . They also do liver, kidney, kidney pancreas that I had, and I think heart and lung.

The scariest things about these procedures for me is the fear of the unknown. Now that I had the heart catheterization I could do it again no problem. It's the first hand experience I want to hear about, not just what the doctors tell me.


Edited to add I think that movie The Doctor is great where all the doctors at the end have to go through what patients do as part of their residency.
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