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I’m not sure that it’s bleeding that happens but I do understand that there is still nutrient exchange between the placenta and the mother via blood flow as long as the placenta is still attached to the uterine wall. Now follow me here, if the foals cord doesn’t break then it doesn’t trigger that clotting factor and the blood would pool in the placenta. Now I was curious and did some research. It didn’t say anything about bleeding out but here is a quote from the University of Illinois “In this rare situation the mare is passing the foal and the placenta simultaneously. When that happens, the foal is being deprived of oxygen, as the connection of the placenta to the uterus is its source.” This is suggestive that the foal suffocates as the cause of death and not bleeding. Thanks for raising the question. But it is still a mistery that some would be fine will others would pass away. There must be something going on in the birthing process that triggers some foals to breath and some not to? What does everyone else think?
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