I never knew women couldn't speak in church or shouldn't teach boys. The last place you'll find me is actually in a church, but I have to say I don't think many of my church going friends have wanted to stone anyone because they worked on Sunday and none of them own slaves. I'm fairly sure none of them have killed unruly children, either.
To me, it sounds like you don't like religious hypocrites who use what they feel the read in(to) the bible to justify their own hateful feelings. I don't like that type of person, either. However, most of the Christians I know are not at all those types of people.
re: women..it's in there kiddo...not hard to find.
Yes Jill...you re exactly right on how I feel about hypocrites. If you're going to have faith and follow something you can't pick and choose what parts you want to believe in. Don't stone your kids...but do think gay is a sin ?
I have dozens of Christian friend and I respect their faith BUT ...look at this...
I was born on December 25th
A star in the East stopped over the place where I was born.
The star was followed by Three Kings (solar deities).
Three shepherds witnessed my birth.
My mother was a virgin.
An angel told her she would bear the son of god.
My mothers name was Meri-Isis, my fathers name was Josept
I was a child teacher at age 12.
Nothing much was written about me until I turned 30.
When I was 30 I was baptized.
My baptizer was beheaded.
I had 12 disciples.
I walked on water, raised Elazarus from the dead, calmed the seas, healed the sick, performed miracles.
I was known as the "fisher of men, the alpha and the omega, the son of god, the light of the world, the one true god"
I was crucified between two thieves
Burried in a tomb
After three days I rose from the dead to join my father in heaven.
Women witnessed my resurrection.
I will return to fight for goodness over darkness one last time at which time all of the souls will rise and join me at my fathers side in heaven and have eternal life.
Now I've asked my friends about this and they all say..thats Jesus...well yes it is but THIS was written and very well documented thousands of years BEFORE it was used for the life of Jesus. THIS is the life of HORUS the Egyptian Sun god. Word for word, event for event the same.
Most people go to church and are only taught what the church wants to teach them. Not ONE , not one of my Christian friends have looked beyond what they are taught and actually researched into their faith. If you do this...and then still want to follow the dictrines I say go for it. But go forward with eyes open.
I find it hard when people pick and choose what they want to take from the bible to suit themselves - like you said very correctly Jill---no one is killing people who work on Sundays but they are happy to stop a gay person getting their rights like the rest of us.
and P.S. how many people have really calculated how long it would take a South American Three Toed Tree Sloth to get from South AMerican to Noah's arc in the middle east...it would take , based on how fast a tree sloth moves...84 years providing they NEVER stopped to eat or sleep and at least 42 of those years would be spent swimming across the Atlantic (without food or sleep) It just couldn't happen.