Magic Marker Minis

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the girls are looking great! won't be too long now! and that long wait will be over

I'm not sureabout colour sorry, but I know the foals will be gorgeous!
Doesn't the word 'Tovero' just mean that she carries Tobiano and Frame??

if thats correct than yes she definitely can pass on the pinto pattern. and you can also put it into the color calculator and see what different combinations come up

So if im correct there is a 75% chance that the foal will have some form of pinto pattern (but i could be wrong best to wait for the experts to answer
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Her dam is a homozygous tobiano, neg LWO and splash. Her sire is a smokey grullo, splash and homozygous black. He is also neg for LWO. He is solid. There is no overo in her parents. She is only a tovero because of sire's splash gene. He throws solid on solid mares and either tovero or tobiano on pinto mares.
Im a little confused now sorry haha

but does that mean she carries tobiano and splash?
So without testing she might carry cream, silver, dun, tobiano (for sure), and splash from her sire and dam. Tovero is a combination of tobiano and any overo gene. Frame/LWO, splash, sabino, Splash most likely gave her the almost all white color, or rather *painted* a few spots on her white coat.

This foal I would guess will most likely get a pattern, and strong chance of cream on a black base, with 50% chance of silver, dun, tobiano, splash. I didn't read everything, but she could have also inherited Lakota's homozygous tobiano or black genes.

Read more; and if she did she would always throw tobiano and black based foals like Lakota. And I just reread, she definitely is homozygous for black base if both parents are homo black. I almost bought Lakota before Joanne did.

Her splash gene could produce some pretty exciting surprises, or hide. Tovero is just a descriptive term for tobiano mixed with any overo gene.

Example, Missy in my avatar was thought to just be tobiano, and the foals sire a grullo/silver black tobiano. Jewel (the foal lin the avatar) proved that the sire carried cream. And that Missy carried sooty. Jewel has a dorsal stripe and mask like a dun. After testing they said she does not carry dun and her mask and strong dorsal stripe is from sooty which can really mimic dun. Jewel's dorsal stripe has never faded and is always there.
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Thanks for the explanation Becky
The terms 'Overo' and 'Tovero' get me so confused. but i think i understand them now
I thought Design was going to show me her little bundle last night. She got agitated, was pawing, plehming, looking at her sides, laying down and rolling. She did it twice within 20 minutes. 20 minutes after that show she layed down and went to sleep. Made me stay up until 1 am for nothing.

Shadow had clear liquid from milk bar this morning, but tonight it is milk colored and sticky. She has camped out several times during the day. I'll just wait and see.
Shadow had a grullo colt @ around 4 am, but it didn't make it out of the sac. I was too late, she foaled between checks.

The foal was exactly what I wanted: a grullo colt

Shadow is fine health wise, just very upset. She loves her babies.

Still waiting on Design(358 days)
Awh, poor Shadow and her precious baby colt! I hope she recovers from her loss soon, so sad.
So sorry that you lost Shadow's foal. Have you considered using a Foal Buzzer, which you place on the halter and use with a baby monitor to alert you when the mare lays down to foal? They are around $50, so MUCH cheaper than an Equipage. I admit I prefer the Equipage, but in terms of letting you know when the mare is going down to foal, it can literally be a life- safer. Google "foal buzzer" if you are interested. Looks like you still have a few mares left to foal. Good luck with them and hope Shadow recovers soon.
So sorry for the loss of Shadow's foal. Hope she recovers very quickly.
Shadow is settling into the herd. Only calls out every once in a while. My APHA stallion is having a fit. I think he thought the pregnant mares were his(his paddock is next to there stalls) and he is not happy that Shadow is somewhere different. He also knows there was something different this morning.

Here's updated pictures of Design(351 days)-her liquid in her milk bar is turning to a cloudy color instead of clear(her bag also never softens, it stays rock hard) and Lace(311 days)Lace had a suprise in the milk bar, she has gone shopping since I checked her the other day. I think she will go before Miss Te(322 days)(no changes for her, so no pictures) The pictures are not the best of Lace, she is a nervous horse. Pictures were also taken after being turned out all day. They also ran around a lot because of Shadow being put somewhere else.

Design had another few episodes last night where she would stretch, paw, lay down and roll, phlem, and look at her belly. She has done this last night and the night before.






We had a older foaling monitor that hooked to there halters and you have a pager. When we the bad storm in Oklahoma, high winds took part of the roof off the barn. The antenna for the system went with it. Not sure if we can get another antenna. Checked the system last month and still worked close range. The other problem is there is no electricity to the area where the mares are stalled.

I knew from the last two foalings from Shadow, the foal getting out of the sac, would be a problem. She started acting different around 8 pm. I stayed up until 1 am. Got up at 2 am and she was standing quietly. Should have left a note for my roommate to check her at 3:30, when she got home(didn't). My alarm went off at 4 am. I must of turned it off and fell back to sleep. Woke up at 4:40. I thought I had checked on her at 4 am, but decided to check on her again. When I stepped out of my room, I knew I hadn't checked on her at 4 am. My roommate turns the light off in the house when she comes home. I remember going out when the light was still on. Went out and it was too late. This is the second time I've done this with her. Her first was a tiny grullo filly. She's being bred to someone else later this spring.

Kari said "at least it was a colt and not a filly." Problem is, I WANTED a grullo colt and that was what it was.

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