So without testing she might carry cream, silver, dun, tobiano (for sure), and splash from her sire and dam. Tovero is a combination of tobiano and any overo gene. Frame/LWO, splash, sabino, Splash most likely gave her the almost all white color, or rather *painted* a few spots on her white coat.
This foal I would guess will most likely get a pattern, and strong chance of cream on a black base, with 50% chance of silver, dun, tobiano, splash. I didn't read everything, but she could have also inherited Lakota's homozygous tobiano or black genes.
Read more; and if she did she would always throw tobiano and black based foals like Lakota. And I just reread, she definitely is homozygous for black base if both parents are homo black. I almost bought Lakota before Joanne did.
Her splash gene could produce some pretty exciting surprises, or hide. Tovero is just a descriptive term for tobiano mixed with any overo gene.
Example, Missy in my avatar was thought to just be tobiano, and the foals sire a grullo/silver black tobiano. Jewel (the foal lin the avatar) proved that the sire carried cream. And that Missy carried sooty. Jewel has a dorsal stripe and mask like a dun. After testing they said she does not carry dun and her mask and strong dorsal stripe is from sooty which can really mimic dun. Jewel's dorsal stripe has never faded and is always there.