Mare ready to foal?

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Ok thanks Renee!! Going yo get a little sleep will wake in bout n hour n check on her... We have a new camera system set aside for pickup 2moro n the good thing is (as long as she doesn't foal tonight) is that I will be able to have 2 cameras set up either two inside like Heidi or one outside n one inside
lets hope she keeps her legs crossed then
I hope you get some sleep in between you checks.
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Lol thanks Diane do you reckon the filly fairy might see it n come? Hehe just went to check her again n she has been rolling but was just standing sleeping of course she wanted scratches when she sawe but was pretty quiet she was more relaxed than those pics I took this arvo but still pink not red inside will check on her again in a little while butmi thinknwe are safe
Hoping she hangs on for you Cassie - it certainly seems very strange not to be able to flick her up on the cam. Cant wait for it to be up and running again!

All is good I should hopefully have her up n running by 8pm tonight as long as there is no emergencies at the vets :/

Morning Anna
how is your own mares n your poor daughter going??

Renee suzie misses you too!!
Hi Cassie,

I've been checking Suzie's cam regularly as I never can work out time differences. Now you have said 8pm tonight and your cam says it is still morning with you, I realise we will have to wait a few hours yet. LOL!! It is all so confusing!!

Hope Suzie is being a good girl - tell her to wait until the cam is up and running before giving any thoughts to having that baby!

Daughter is staggering on, bless her. She has two of our stallions with her, plus two yearling colts, five yearling fillies, seven of our mares, plus a group of four boys at present living out (one two year old, two three year olds and one 4 year old). Three of the yearling fillies have just been turned out to live out, but everyone else uses the stables or open areas of the barn, plus the neighbouring paddocks, so all require food, hay, mucking out etc, plus young son and partner require feeding (at least sometimes LOL!), so she is pretty busy!

If my health was better just now I would be over there to help, but doing my two boys and two colts, plus walking the fields to check on the mares, is more than enough for me at the moment. To drive over to her and just to spend an hour discussing/giving advice is quite exhausting for me. But Cathy's 'grown up' son (he's 19) is going over tomorrow evening to sit in the lorry with Cathy while she sleeps to watch the Mummy mare for her for 3 or 4 hours - that's if Mummy mare doesn't foal tonight, which she looks as though she might - or she might not. LOL!!

Mares - dont you just love them!

Morning Renee.

Just off to do my kids - catch you later. Have you heard anything from Cassie?

hi everyone!!

back home from the vets, had a good day except for right till the end very sad...

well my lovely Mother has got me the new system LOVE YOU MUM!!!

I have to set it up now, hopefully won't be too long before you see Suzie all going well I'm pretty tired right now... but we shall see how I go :D

Still can't believe Peanut is still pregnant!!
Thank you Mum!

Sorry you had a sad end to your day at the vets Cassie.

Hopefully we shall all soon be watching the lovely Suzie snoozing in her stable -- sorry I mean producing a lovely foal in her stable!

Hi Suzie - good to have you back again.

Thank you again to Mum.

I gave her lots of hugs n ksses,

I have some pics that I took tonight but I'm exhausted n will put them up tomorrow lol sorry Renee!! hehe

night all :D

so happy that I can watch miss munchkin from my room again
I see Ms Suzie didn't take advantage of her 'private time,' without

being under camera, to present you with your bundle.

Doggone it....

Today would be a good day, to :)
I have to admit that it took ages to 'come up' after I had logged in several times earlier, but I thought it was my laptop!

But now the cam is not working, but neither does it say 'cam not available', so the fault may be with the new system Cassie's end?

Hope Suzie is ok, she was sleeping the last time I managed to get the cam up.


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