Mare ready to foal?

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I think we are getting close cos our lazy potato chip isn't sleeping
N at 1:25am she is up again... Wind has suddenly picked up at 1:30 rain died down dnt think it should be the weather we have had worse weather a few weeks ago n she slept right through it...oh im clapping too except I can't figure ou how to do it on my iPod :p
Some tail swishes from the snuggle bunny n my eye can't stay open so I'm off to get some more sleep let's hope we dnt lose power from the wind!!
Hi Anna yep n I am going back to sleep lol will be up again in bout n hour. Both girls haven't been themselves the last 2 days wouldn't you agree??
I do agree - we keep having 'is she, isn't she' and 'will she, won't she' moments with both of them! LOL!!
Yawning lots themtail swishes then more yawning well at least we can say your not boring tonight suz!!! We better watch her from 3am that's when she had her last foals n as we learnt with lillee they like to stick to their time lol
Um did someone just see that arch of the neck tail lift?? I'm sorry to say it suz but I wouldn't mind if you didn't foal tonight... I dnt want to go out in that horrid weather!!! Wish I had a microphone so you could hear the wind howling past the house!! Yuck is all I can say lol
Down flat at 3:02am n up sternal again poor baby girl is anyone else watching suz?? I dnt know how much longer I can stay awake I'm exhausted she seems to be holding her tail out a bit maybe I will put toothpicks over my reyes to keep them open n watch a bit longer
She certainly looks uncomfortable, bless her! Down but not resting, lots of shifting around and heavy breathing.

Think it might be a good idea if you 'sleep' with your clothes on Cassie, just in case!

Rushing off to do my furkids - hang on for me Suz if you have foaling in mind!
I have both ladies up for the next hr till I have to go out to deal with my own darlings
Thanks Diane n Renee n Anna your all absolute gems!! :D the wind is still howling n I'm going to try gt some more sleep.....zzzzzzzzz

Oh n thankyou anyone else who maybe watching.... Zzzzz

Thanks karina :D your a gem too
Cassie go to sleep please, we are all here. You have been up for hours tonight and you will be so tired tomorrow.

4.27am and she has just gone down sternal

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