Mare ready to foal?

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Has a vet checked this mare in the last week or so? Are we sure she is still pregers? I had 2 mares confirmed by US and never got a foal.
Has a vet checked this mare in the last week or so? Are we sure she is still pregers? I had 2 mares confirmed by US and never got a foal.
I guess I shouldn't have asked a valid question.
Yes, you can ask all the questions you like and it was valid, it is just that Cassie is young and this is her first foal so you can imagine how excited she is. She feels the foal moving daily so no worries there.

Closing in on 6 AM Cassie time...

Is the camera frozen, does anyone know or is it my connection?

I can't detect even a flick of a tail...I clicked out and then

it wouldn't let me back in, for an hour, and now she is still

standing in same position when I clicked out.

Same on Peanuts' connection...currently can't access it??!!


Sorry - Disregard: She is playing with her dish now and has

moved from previous views, on this click in.
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I am off to bed too, have a good day Cassie, I hope you aren't too tired. Xxx
Hi Cassie! It's me, Ashley from marestare (hehehe) I finally joined this forum, being as I'm obsessed with mini's now!
Hi Katiean and Ashley and welcome to the mad house! LOL!! Great to have you with us. You will have to excuse our strange/whacky/sometimes sarcastic sense of humour - we have all been here a long long long time! (Also on Peanut's topic)

For instance if you want Diane (maybe to answer a question or something) you just have to shout APPY APPY APPY and she magically appears!

Having called you Diane I will give you the news that OUR/YOUR Mummy mare is getting very close - full tight bag 24/7 for the last 4 days! (I always used to say that for big fully fed horses, 10 days of a tight bag would see you a foal, but fat small 'grass fed + small amount of balancer' girls, then approx 4 to 6 days tight bag should see you a foal. Hope I'm right! At least she is now just inside the three week window before her due date of approx August 8th.

Fingers crossed!

How's your expectant girl doing?
ASHLEY!!!!! YAY! LOL welcome to LB so glad you came on our forum hehe I find this one so much easier to use then marestare but shhhh I didn't say that.

Katiean, welcome to Suzie's post!!
I don't mind any question, well that one prob would have had me calling the vet as sooon as I read it if I hadn't have seen the foal move just last night lol

I have been thinking that if Suzie doesn't have her foal in the next week I will get the vet out, thankyou for asking though, it shows that you care and how are you meant to learn things if you don't ask questions?? that is how I learnt everything on here, lol you should see the first 20 pages on here, little side note girls!! couldn't resist,

hmmm and Diane, what a great way to tell if I have a colt or filly.... now if I could only just work out how to get in there, I'm sure suzie won't mind....
( sorry for our new friends I wouldn't even dream of it LOL)

Night Renee, after last night I am going to recheck everything is in my foaling kit, I put everything out there back a last week but as I was watching last night I thought do I have this? do I have this?? LOL just me being a worry wart.

HI Nancy thanks for checking on Suzie for me
she was a jumping jellybean last night
(I have just always wanted to use that one lol) see what lack of sleep does to me LOL na Renee I'm pretty good, but thats saying that while I'm still sitting in bed talking to you lovely ladies on my laptop hehe

I suppose I better go out in the cold n rain. oh weather update its dark, cold, rainy and miserable... wind has died down although it is meant to pick up again.... wait for it, yep it has LOL

Suzie is going to be CRANKY
at me because there is no way after last night that I am letting her out in this horrid weather!!! so she will be in for inspection all day today,

will go out n see what she is up to and report back!! LOL

WE MADE PAGE 100!!! hehe
Anna I'm glad your girl is progressing lets hope she foals really soon, for you and your daughters sake, Diane hope that your mare continues to progress.

now that I think of going outside, it starts pouring with rain again... gosh
Ooooo I love the 'oldies' Diane, they are often the best!

Cassie you are always saying how the wind is howling and the rain is pouring down, but everytime you open Suzie's door (or even if she is just standing by it in the morning waiting for you) it looks as though the sunlight is flooding in? So where is all this light coming from?

I love watching Suzie trying to make up her mind whether to finish her food or make a beeline for the door and freedom! LOL!!

Hope you have a good day Cassie.
LOL Anna, there is a light on in Suzie's stable and the clouds are a real light colour at the moment, so it's pretty light if you think about it but compared to our normal sunny days this would be classed as a cold miserable day, I'm not sure whether to put her out or not... after last night... and her teats are fuller this morning, she is testing at 6.8ph which is a drop YAY
it says foaling not likely but test twice a day for a drop in ph and look for physical changes and mood.

I don't know whether I should let her out or not... the rain has eased and its not as windy but there is darker clouds coming across, what do you girls think?? unless I let her out and come and put her back if the weather gets worse? I hate leaving her in all day.

oh and she is very relaxed behind, even her swollen part down the bottom isn't swollen (and apparently thats a sign ) she is a bright pink with parts of red, but not real red.

Thoughts please Ladies!!
PS. I wouldn't keep Suzie in Cassie, no matter what the weather is like. She is the sort to NEED her time outside, and keeping her in will probably frustrate her which is not good at this stage of the game. Perhaps you could let her out soon for an hour, then fetch her in again and repeat the same thing later this afternoon? It is so important that mares have as much walking exercise as possible, plus a chance to have a roll if they want, especially at this stage of their pregnancy.
Good call to put her out for a bit, Cassie

I totally agree with Anna....more normal their routine is the better.

Walking about and rolling is part of toning their muscles for what is to come.

COMING SOON we hope. :)

Hope you got some rest before having to head out to work.
Hi Nancy, how are you? Suzie is out
went straight for scratches with Penny lol

COMING REAL SOON, we hope lol

no rest for the wicked, lol down at work now. will check on her at lunch
Hi Cass....My Mom used to say that, too, "No rest for the wicked" LOL

Hope your wicked headache went away.

Between going a hundred miles an hour to prepare for out of town company and

Michael's laptop being 'stubborn' - I feel out of touch.

But I haven't missed 'anything' unfortunately.

I'd give up seeing it live if we'd just get some serious progress from Suz or Peanut.

Have a good afternoon at work.
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lol, yes the wicked headache has gone finally

oh you poor thing, hope everything settles down again for you soon
and that you will be able to see Suzie and Peanut foal, at least they are both headed in the right direction, Suzie was not herself again last night....2nd night in a row that she didn't lie down much and was really aggitated and her PH in her milk is dropping, so everything is pointing to her foaling soon

which is VERY exciting!!!
no worries Diane, I'm not leaving her alone for too long today

the feed bucket is red and it's Penny's feed bucket, she must have pushed it against the fence so Suzie is prob cleaning up the scraps lol

yeah she has been pretty still today, not eating much grass at all... she was running round like a crazy horse before she hasn't run around in ages... LOL silly girl.

Night Diane, have a good sleep

take lots of pictures. we want to see EVERYTHING!! lol oh including a foal hehe

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