Mare ready to foal?

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stormy day!!.jpg

a pic from the cam this arvo with those massive clouds!! and this doesn't even show how dark they are!!

oh and I thought I would let you all know in case your curious as to what that building is with all the windows... its our pool house LOL

been real windy all day, but Suzie has been ok.
Morning Cassie, I hope you are well. I had a great nights sleep, Alby slept all night and it rained so the temp dropped and it wasn't hot and humid.

I had to dash out late last night as it hailed, I wrote about it on Peanuts thread.

Now Cassie, I am old enough to be your mother (
where did all those years go) so you need to listen to me. If we are watching Suzie there is no reason for you to keep getting up at night. This could go on for at least another week and you will be a wreck. I sat up for about 7 nights once Britt got in the home straight and after the birth I got really sick as I was so tired and run down ( O.k I know what you are thinking...., but you are old!!!!) just be a good girl and get some rest.
LOL ok then yes Mum

thats good that Alby slept the whole night YAY!!

n just so you know I don't think your old

it prob wasn't a good idea me staying up so much last night... I have another headache coming on this arvo and I have to play soccer tonight.... yuck.

so I will take your good advice Mum and sleep tonight.... I might wake up n check Suzie, just a little. but I will get some sleep

what are your plans for the day?
Not sure yet, I will go down and clean the horses and I want to clip a few if the kids don't play up.

I will watch Suzie after midnight for you so you can sleep.
hope you have a good day anyway... my head is getting worse so I'm prob not going to play soccer and just rest tonight, I just have to make sure they have enough players...

that would be GREAT if you wouldn't mind
but if you have to do other stuff thats fine

Thank you!!

I'm about to go bring Suzie in now... and see how she is looking tonight...

oh n it was easier for me to get some milk from Suzie this morning which was good
another step forward...
Yes sleep, whenever you can snatch a few hours, is very important! You dont want to have fallen into a deep exhausted sleep when Suz suddenly decides to foal - nothing worse than 'thinking' you can hear alarms/phones etc all going crazy, but you just cant rouse yourself, or even if you do manage to pull yourself up out of the sleep depths, you will not be in a very good state to make the rush to the stable to help Suzie - it does happen when you get seriously sleep deprived, believe me!!

So GET SOME SLEEP when you can!

Hope the soccer goes well. (you wont be away too long will you?
okay Anna lol thankyou, I will sleep tonight.

I'm not playing soccer now, I have had another headache coming on this arvo, and its starting to get worse so I won't risk getting another like sunday and play, so I will be home all night.

I am going to get a shower now and see if I feel a little better

Suzie is in for the night
she is very relaxed behind again she is pink inside though not red... her udder is as full as it was this morning, its not big, but its the same as this morning so thats a sign.

she got herself all muddy on her udder today so I was giving her massages as I was cleaning it and she was loving it, she is such a good girl!!
They really do love the belly massages - I thinks its because the skin is stretched and so tight that its extra itchy. I can do anything to my ladies once one hand is rubbing the belly lol.

Come on Suzie you need to foal now!!!!
LOL yeah it is so true!!

question... on Crayonbox miniatures website... it shows a mare with a pointy bum, saying that when they are really close they get this...?? has anyone else noticed this in their own mares? just curious
Torpedo butt is quite common but it won't happen if the mare is fat (or at least it is harder to see). When you touch around the tail head it should be squiggy,(sp) like jello.

If I were you Cassie I would start to test her milk twice a day now as her routine at night has really changed, I would think that we don't have long especially if her bag is the same size at night as in the morning. Please let us know as you know that Anna worries.
I tested this morning and tonight and she is still at 6.8 which is still in the range for foaling apparantly but "not likely" but then it goes onto say watch very carefully, for physical changes and such, I will continue to test twice a day

Here are some pics of Penny, aka: Raylee Park Touch of Chrome





they aren't very good pics and were when I first got her, she was quite skinny... once the weather starts to warm up I plan to take some cute pics of her
but at least you can see Suzie's best friend!!
did she really Renee? wow totally missed that, thanks... thats early for her... hmmm she doesn't usually lie down till at least 9pm.:shockedshe is up again now...
Very pretty girl and I am a sucker for a big blaze like that.

If the milk is creeping then she must be getting closer so fingers crossed it wont be much longer (or I think I might go crazy lol)
Thanks Karina!! she is such a little cutiem she loves my stock horse and always rears up on him lol she loves a good run!!

she is looking better now as well as she has more weight on her
well Suzie is up again... she isn't resting for long again tonight... she has been down twice tonight now, I'm off to get some sleep for a little while... Renee I will only be up a few times and only for a little while, just to see what she is up too...

Night my lovely friends!!

one camera charged other charging, video camera ready, foaling kit ready, towel and foal rug ready, anything else... oh yes, Suzie are you ready?? LOL


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