Mare ready to foal?

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warm water is all I use but I only do the udder before foaling bc I do their hooha's nearly daily anyway.
thats interesting thanks Renee!
I am going to wash her tonight, I only just got home from work

LOL I hate it when the tills don't balance!!

going to check on my munchkins!!
As you should know by now Cassie, I am the bad Momma here. My mares are kept totally naturally - no washing or fussing in any way!
LOL!! I certainly dont do an anything to them after they have foaled, I just make sure they are ok and watch until foal is up and sucking and passed the meconium, then they are alone with their babies. Only special visitors invited to see the new foal and only one at a time, viewing the foal from a distance - no leaning over stable doors 'tweeting' at baby, trying to get it to come over etc etc. Momma and baby are left in peace to bond.

Suzie should be covered for a year with that tet booster so dont worry on that account, and the foal will be covered for at least 4 months - as Renee said. We usually tet our foals at around 6 months/weaning time.

By the way, how is your weather there today coz your outside cam is 'dark' and not much is visible!

Hope you have a good day.
Morning Anna
at the moment its dark by 6pm here being winter and all, it was an odd day for weather part of the day was sunny and lovely then the rest was cold, wet n miserable lol couldn't work out what it wanted to,

so Anna do you iodine the naval stump? n what are your views on this?

Renee I haven't tested in quite a few days as I didn't want to push the milk too much, as the last time I did it, it was hard to get the milk out...

I wasn't sure whether I would do another one until I saw a change in her udder... which there is none, I hate this!!

well Suzie is nice and clean had a brush her hair done, and a bit of a clean up, all the while we were listening and singing to Shania Twain, "Man I feel like a woman" LOL maybe get her in the mood

foaling kit is all done also, sorry if the light isn't as good tonight, my flood light lamp blew, luckily I had a little desk lamp out there... I will get a new globe for it tomorrow at work

now off to eat my dinner
Hi Cassie, Suzie looks very comfortable in her stable, ready for tonight's activities????? LOL!!

Please dont get rid of your beautiful straw bed - at least until the weather is ok for baby and Suzie to live out all the time (so ages and ages!) Big straw beds are so lovely (and warm) for babies to snuggle down into, also the straw will help baby dry off if it comes in a bit damp or wet. Baby will roll its damp body around in the straw to dry itself - nothing worse (in my opinion) than for poor baby to roll a wet body around in shavings and get them all stuck to its coat (and eyes and ears!) not to mention filling its mane and tail with bits!

Can you tell that I'm a straw lover? LOL!! Never use anything else for my lot, but then we can get a plentiful suppy over here - lovely clean wheat straw - and with all my 45+ minis here I only have one who will eat it given the chance!

Have replied to your iodine question on Peanut's topic - we use an iodine mix dip from our vet.

COME ON SUZIE - we want to see that baby!
thanks Anna just read your post on Peanuts wall :D

I definatly won't be getting rid of Suzie's lovely straw bedding while the foal is still little :D I can't wait to see it snuggled in the nice clean, dry straw mmm

I am going to go back out and check on her before I go to bed later tonight, but she is looking comfy right now and I will change the light so it isn't as bright on that one spot for us all, as that seems to be a fave spot of hers LOL
I used a chopped straw for my ladies during foaling time and find it so much easier then straw. Still all the comfort and easier to muck out. They are back on shavings now though.
hmmm haven't heard of that Karina... but I just got a new bale and it is called "race horse straw" and it is heaps more absorbant and nicer then the original straw I was putting down, I will be giving her stable a good clean out on Thursday arvo tho when I finish work early
Suzie has already done a few relaly loose poos right where she normally lies down, she didn't even bother going over to her corner... she is still pink inside, no redness at all... still the same relaxation behind,

I am going to bed now... night
Yay Diane
we were worried about you
, I think I want to take the same approach that you and Anna have thankyou for sharing. Did you get some sleep last nite?? Did you See suIe just do all those yawns one after another? She must have yawned 6/7 times! Sorry bout the light will get fixed yomorrow luckily I had this one back up

Night Diane
n everyone else who is watching my girl thankyou
was suzie just sitting? she was in the left corner of the screen but it looked like she was sitting on her bottom for a little bit. do pregnant mares sit like that normally? she's laying down now.
Sorry, I was washing the dishes. Night Cassie

Welcome back Diane, so what were you up to? Heidi was worried that you were out foaling
I am sure you will have to do it sooner or later cos that baby isn't going away
You will have to have a little chat with her and calm her down
Hi Heidi~ I have the flu and not feeling too well BUT as everyone knows I can't post on MS ,so I was just writing to let someone know and possibly BUMP up the KIngs Park thread....

She is over seas and I wouldn't be able to call or warn anyone,and can't read it to see update's. My friend chris that gives me all the info is out of town a few days so one's like this worry me.....

She's been down but not for long,did a roll or two then got up and has pressure because she is holding the wall up LOL anyways....please let me know if your there and get this otherwise I'll email a few more just incase ,Thank's God Bless

It's only 11:30 pm their time~

CassieI hope you dont mind me posting this...its an email from a women that emails me often about Peanut. Im not sure why she cant post on MS but she is the girl Wendi that contacted Pacific Pintos and gave them a heads up and I believe has called connie to give her heads up as well. horses foaled both times. She has been watching Suzi too...anyway I just want you to know. I hope I didnt over step you, but I did email her back,thanked her, told her there were people watching Suzi but she can call me and I would contact you if needed...I wonder who her friend Chris actually is...i'll have to ask.
How very sweet of her to watch all these mares. I have no idea why she can't post on MS but let her know she can always email me as I can ring Cassie in Ozzy land. (ssshhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell hubby)

1.05am and Suzie is flat out zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I bought Pat home today and I have him on cam; if you want to add him to your collection anyone let me know and I will pm you the link and details.
When I saw her sit it wasn't for too long (several minutes at least) and it looked like her butt was totally on the ground. She sat still and then laid down. She's laying down again now. Wish someone else would have seen the sitting though. It was right before my previous post.
I would love to be on the link list too, thanks!!

Renee I will give her your email addy...I just didnt want to give anything out w/o letting you know first. I think she has big horses and just a couple minis but has foaled out alot i believe. Again this is info I got from just short email chats.
Has the camera angle changed in Suzie's stable, or is it that Suz has just chosen a new position? She's doing her statue act right at the front - she may be eating but cant see her jaw working as her head is almost off camera?

Wish I had seen the 'sit' - interesting!

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