Mare ready to foal?

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well Suzie was down sternal, then down flat for 4 min, back sternal again then flat again for another 4 min, then sternal... then a half roll, then fully up, gone to the toilet, got a drink now trying to find any scraps of hay she might have left behind...
Suzie is down for a rest (midnight) and looks comfy although every now and then she looks back as I think baby might be giving her some grief.
She's not feeling too comfortable is she, bless her! Gotta go out - hope I dont miss anything!
Well she isn't pacing or anything but she sure Aint comfy...
has anyone nOticed a difference on suzie)? LOl see if you can :D I had fun yesterday you can't tell right now. Hint it's to do with her head... Hehe

My poor baby fat girl doesn't look comfy at all!
she doesn't look very comfortable. at least not when she chooses to let us look at her.
Suzie is grazing her stable and she does look huge alright. Not dropped looking though but she looks as wide as she is tall now lol
She looks as though she's trying to find some nibbles now. Cassie, do make sure she has enough hay throughout the night - or keep giving her a new small bundle when you go to check her during the night. Some mares like to eat as they approach foaling - in one end, push it out the other LOL!! - and she wont eat too much, she hasnt enough stomach space in there right now! i know others might not agree with this, but I can only say what works for us, and I find it much better for the mares to have several small feeds of hay during the night as it keeps their energy up, plus stops them diving into their morning feeds/hay and eating too quickly because they have become hungry.

I have also found that this is another good way to get possible imminant signs. Give your mares regular small bundles of hay whenever you pop to the barn to visit, watch for five minutes or so and if everyone is peacefully munching, then a foal in the next half to an hour is unlikely - time therefore for yet another cuppa or a bite to eat for yourself! LOL!!
Lol thanks Anna
will do she prob still had a little that she scratched around... Just saw a foal be born!!
was beautiful! Can I ask tho does everyone start pulling the foal out as soon as it is visible?

So noone noticed the change? Besides her being huge... Lol maybe how pretty her head looks? Ok maybe not I'll tell u I clipped suzies beard off last night!! She looks so much better now really really cute! Anyway she Is down sternal n I am going to get a little more sleep.

Nite Renee
thanks everyone
Cassie i tried so hard to see but it is really hard on the cam, pictures are needed i think. Lol
No i am not one to pull, the only mare I assist is Britt cos she has trouble.
She looks as though she's trying to find some nibbles now. Cassie, do make sure she has enough hay throughout the night - or keep giving her a new small bundle when you go to check her during the night. Some mares like to eat as they approach foaling - in one end, push it out the other LOL!! - and she wont eat too much, she hasnt enough stomach space in there right now! i know others might not agree with this, but I can only say what works for us, and I find it much better for the mares to have several small feeds of hay during the night as it keeps their energy up, plus stops them diving into their morning feeds/hay and eating too quickly because they have become hungry.

I have also found that this is another good way to get possible imminant signs. Give your mares regular small bundles of hay whenever you pop to the barn to visit, watch for five minutes or so and if everyone is peacefully munching, then a foal in the next half to an hour is unlikely - time therefore for yet another cuppa or a bite to eat for yourself! LOL!!
I agree Anna. Many people actually lay down hay all over the foaling stall instead of straw or shavings.

Just saw a foal be born!!
was beautiful! Can I ask tho does everyone start pulling the foal out as soon as it is visible?
I wonder if this mare was a maiden, she seemed so shocked after it was born and she hasn't stopped looking at it. It just doesn't seem as though she is very relaxed, I am on the edge of my seat watching
are you two watching a different mare on mare stare?
Is Cassie's mare on camera somewhere?

Re. pulling babies. Very dangerous thing to do, unless the mare has been in labour for a while and still nothing is showing more than maybe a nose/feet. When pulling, it should only be done when the mare actually pushes and always out and downward, toward the mare's hocks.

No Cassie you dont 'pull' foals out. But there are many diffetent types of pressure that can be used when necessary.

We are always there for our mares as they foal (except for the half dozen we have missed in 40 years) - right here with them, but not 'interferring', and none of our mares mind us being there. As soon as we see the white bag appear, we gently feel for a foot, a second foot and a little further in to a nose. Good to go, so we sit back and wait for the mare. Once the two legs are out and the nose appearing we gently take hold of the cannon bones and with each contraction of the mare we 'hold' the legs so the foal progresses out and does not slide back slightly between contractions as a lot of them do. The mare has a contraction, the foal progresses out, you hold it, etc etc. Yes there have been times when the mare - particularly a maiden - is having to make more effort to get the baby out and is getting tired (taking more time between contractions) so there have been times when we have put more 'pressure' on the foal with each of the mare's contractions to try to ease the foal out a little more quickly.

I would never try to pull a foal out BETWEEN a mare's contractions, but would work with her if extra help was needed. Also you do have to realise that sometime (rarely thank goodness) it is necessary to get a foal out quickly, but to simply just keep tugging in a non emergency situation is just plain cruelty as far as I'm concerned.
Very well explained Anna, I think Cassie miss understood or used the wrong word "pull" as the farm she was watching was assisting the mare and not pulling. I am glad she asks so many questions before the birth, hopefully this way she will be able to enjoy it without being so worried.

Cassie, even though I have had quite a few foals over the years I still have a lot to learn so I personally let nature takes its course unless there is a problem in which case I have the vet take over. One of the great things about the milk test is that you can ring your vet and tell him that she is testing ready and that you might need his help.

I think mares that spend plenty of time out in the field have less chance of dystocia and Suzie sure spends plenty of time outside.
Sorry to use the wrong term. I am only still new to this n it was only 5 am in the morning!! We have cattle n we have had to assist with many A calf out!

I ask questions because I dnt know n I want to learn before Susie has her foal! I dnt want anything to go wrong so I'm trying to learn as much as possible I'm sorry if I said the wrong thing. It was unconcioisly done

Thankyou Anna, Lizzie n Renee for understanding

Anna we have to do exactly the same for the cows especially done of the heifers where we need to assist. If suz has any probs dad n i know what to do the vet will be on the phone n my foaling book will be open being read! Though suzie has had two foals before n the owner missed both births both foals were fine do I'm hoping it will be the same again.

Sorry for the huge long post I will go out n feed her now n I might try a milk test I'll just see how she is looking.

Lizzie my mare suzie is on marestare under kingspark miniatures
the link should be on the 3rd or 4th page i think lol

I will try n put some pics of her head up lol it was just a bit of fun :s lol

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