Mare ready to foal?

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See cassie, Suzi IS early after just need the correct country!!

I use to try and use that as an excuse at school.

"But Sir, I'm not late...if we go by English time!"

Funnily enough it never worked...
I am sorry but there are far too many pages to read all. Thanks Cassie for the msg last night about Moonlight. I went to put Alby to bed (about 5.45am your time) and I climbed in bed with him cos I was cold and I woke up this morning

We had a really crazy hail and rain storm yesterday afternoon and I was at the barn in shorts and a T shirt
It is over 300 meters to the house so I got absolutely soaked. Then I had to put Pat in as I phoned Matteo and told him to do it but he went out in the garden called him a few times and when he didn't come he gave up and went to play in the rain (boys, who needs em)

When I got in a stripped off and had a hot shower, it is crazy how the temperature drops when a storm comes.

I think all this excitement is what wore me out.
Did wonder where you were yesturday evening Renee - but I had my suspicions that you might have snuggled down with Alby and zonked out!! So I was right. LOL!!

Nancy it is amazing how many foals get born when folks just 'pop' to grab a bite to eat, make a cuppa, take a quick shower, feed the cats/dogs, answer the phone etc etc.

If we all shouted that we were just going to you think we could fool Suzie and Peanut????

Sounds as though Suz is getting real close Cassie - no sleep for you tonight! LOL!!

Great news about Moonlight - at least you know that the filly fairy is now free to travel to Aussieland tonight!
Hi Cassie.. Iv been watching your cam with great excitment..I have a mini mare due to foal anyday too..she has an udder full to bursting and showing all the signs that its going to be sometime very soon..its only my second foal so like you im watching her 24 hours a day in hope to see the birth..even though i had the cams up and watched her last time i did actually miss the birth and woke just as she had delivered..thankfully all went well..shes in at night and have cams on all angles in the stable that i leave on all night in my hoping i dont miss this one!!..looking forward to seeing your new baby wishes
Lindy-Lou, Hello and welcome, this is such an exciting time.
Are your cams public as we would all love to help you watch her.
I am in Europe so I cover the night shift with a couple of friends.

hi Cassie
I see our girl is in for the night, any changes??
Lindy-Lou, Hello and welcome, this is such an exciting time.
Are your cams public as we would all love to help you watch her.
I am in Europe so I cover the night shift with a couple of friends.

hi Cassie
I see our girl is in for the night, any changes??
Hi Lindy-Lou welcome!! thanks for watching my girl she is very special to me and now to my marestare friends as well!!

yes are the cams public?? would love to be able to help watch!!!

Hi Renee, she was more then willing to come in tonight milk is a very green 6.4 not dropped. but on the edge of 6.4 so could be anytime...

she Is very relaxed and swollen behind, I heard that was a good sign??

she is as long as my hand is long behind which is wait let me find a tape measure... we own a hardware store but I can't for the life of me find a tape measure!! LOL Dad says my hand is about 5-6 inches long, so suzie is about 5-6 inches LOL she is a VERY bright pink with little bits of red...

she isn't sweaty at all, but we will see about later!

I have youth group tonight, and we are going bowling which is about 15 min away, Dad will be home and so will mum... but I don't think Suzie will foal between now and 10pm, she may not even foal tonight, prob not...

Thanks again not too many pages so easy enough catch up lol.

Suzie looking quiet so all is well.

I am tired today too. Stayed up WAY too late and paid the price as Abby was very restless so was up to her a good bit. So feeling like a Zombie this morning. I think I need a pot of coffee LOL
lol be careful you don't overdo the coffee Karina!

morning hope your able to get some rest today then... and by rest I mean lounging on a comfy chair in front of the computer LOL

off to youth will try and do a ring test when I get back thanks girls!
Hi..unfortunately the cams arnt public although id love to have help watching husband agreed to have the monitor on all night in the bedroom but has to be said he doesnt share my excitment at 3 in the morning when i see her rolling or alot of tail swishing..
..i try wake every few hours if im happy shes comfortable get some sleep..would be great to have extra eyes knowing that shes safe when im sleeping..its so exciting and im so glad iv found others that share that lol..i was begining to think i was a lil strange getting so excited over the birth of my new baby foal..they certainly do keep us guessing though I love watching the cams online and its so beneficial to us with less experience in the foaling dept..thanks for sharing

OOPPSS..appologies for the earlier post ..Im new
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Hi Lindy-lou, great to have you join us on our matestare watching (hope you will check in to Peanut's topic too?) How exciting - hope your little mare has a nice easy foaling and a pretty, healthy (filly) foal. A small word of warning though - if you think she is that close to foaling you should be watching her 24/7 (no sleeping!!), even a visit to the loo can be too long away from watching, those few minutes could be enough to save a foal's life had you been right there at the time!

It is a little easier when you have marestare and can co-opt friends to help watch, but other than that endless hours of night (and day) watching is the price we pay for having foaling mares - as I well know from the past! LOL!! Even with marestare I still panic at the thought that Cassie wont wake up quickly enough or, even worse, be so tired it takes several alarms/phone calls to rouse her - ask Cassie, she'll tell you (and so will the others on here) what a worrypot I am! LOL!!

Anyway all fingers/toes/hooves and paws are crossed here for you and your little girl!
good news about the progress Cassie. My mares are small and don't get much length but the do swell a lot. Here are a couple of photos of Britt, the first is her normally and the second is an hour before. See how it has swollen?


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Just checking on the lovely Suzie.

Get out there Cassie and pick up those poo piles, we cant have Suzie foaling in a dirty bedroom! If she foals in a dirty bedroom you are going to have all that lovely clean straw thoroughly mixed up with trampled, spread out sloppy poo as she marches round and round getting ready to foal, which is not a good thing for the new baby! I know I'm fussy but we pick our piles as soon as they are done and also get the final sloppy ones as the mare is doing her last walk about, so as she goes down to foal, she has a clean bed under her - and we are not kneeling in mucky straw while assisting.

Off to do some washing and other chores, but will be checking back regularly on Suzie - no posts though (hooray I hear you say! LOL!!)
PS. If you have been looking at other mares foaling or seen pics of new foals, you will see a lot of dirty bedding in the stalls! Loads of clean straw and poo piles picked up promptly will mean a lovely clean bed!!

I'll shut up now!
LOL I'm sorry Anna!!!
I only just got home, about to go check on her and do late night poop duty!! I wanted to check to make sure I wasn't waking her up first though

be back in a minute!! or 3 hehe

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