Mare ready to foal?

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Sorry Nancy - I also watch the cam but dont have LB's 'posts' up, dont know how to get everything on one laptop screen. So I usually just watch the cams (while watching tv!)

Hope Zoe didn't get herself too uptight while waiting for her food!
Yay for a quiet night!!! :D well I wouldn't have minded if the filly fairy came lol but at least no other visitors
hi I3mommy did you get the cam to work??

Usually suzie is so neat in her bedroom at night!! Maybe she was demanding me out there hmmm I was exhausted lol sorry suz I'm coming now

Thanks everyone for watching
Come to think of it - it has been very quiet here tonight, or perhaps it just seems quiet after last night's excitement. Wonder where everyone is? Been checking Peanut and Moonlight alongside Suzie, but all quiet there too. Think I will pop over to Peanut's topic in case they are chatting over there.

If there is no-one around, then at least it is almost morning time for Cassie, coz I will be off to bed in the next 15 minutes, so she should soon be out to feed Suzie her breakfast!

So nite nite.
awww Cassie does Suzie have her tail braided with a little purple bow? I think thats what I saw
I'm back.

Everyone fed and watered. Even detailed the stalls and put clean sheets down.

I am good until about our dinner time -7:30-ish- when I have to go measure feeds and

put cool water in for the night.

Zoe was just fine...she has an internal clock which says she is always starving.

She blames her BabyZaky - but she's like that even when she isn't nursing.

Definitely was a quiet night after Peanut finally settled.

Suz was so quiet thought she was in suspended animation for awhile, after she finished

messing up her bedroom so good.

Sleep tight, Anna.
yes Megan LOL Suzie has a purple bow in her tail hehe just couldn't resist I don't have a baby sister so my ponies have to do LOL

Suzie had runny poos over night, like cow pats, not all of them were like it but some were... hmmm, she is quite red inside again this morning and again I'll check her before I go to work

Yeah Diane she wanted out, the cows had heard me coming and thought I was feeding them, well Kia (my cow) mainly hehe cos I usually do feed her

if I get time tonight I might try a milk test if she lets me, if not I won't push the issue.

morning everyone, night Anna and Renee!! thanks for the watch!!
Just saw Moonlight have her beautiful Little Filly!! and I hope that Suzie copies!!! what a gorgeous little thins and perfect foaling by mummy!!

Suzie I hope you were watching
:shocked !!!!!!! Congrats to Connie and Moonlight!!
yeah sorry farrier came to do all ponies feet
they were so good for him, he didn't tell me he was here till after LOL silly Mark!!

I wouldn't be surprised if it was sooner Diane! she looks ready now!! really mushy poos swishy tail, she has been restless all day and is SO VERY relaxed behind, tail end is very soft and she has the definate V

It's my Dads bday tomorrow so I'm hoping she might foal tonight, or tomorrow night!!!

one of the guys has bet tonight, the rest have all bet, the 1st/3rd and 7th August.
lets hope its tonight.
ok I'm going to be honest I have come down from the high of Moonlight foaling... the foal is so gorgeous and happy. I just wish Suzie would hurry up

I'm just tired I guess...
I'll be there if I can :)

Just hope she doesn't have her's near impossible to see her out

there in the extreme brightness.

Tomorrow at noon we are going to go get hay out of the field...but I'll be

around before and after.
The home stretch is exhausting if you have already spent two months waiting! It gets even harder when you see everyone else's foals.

But you could look at it this way. Technically the Aussie foaling season doesn't start until the 1st of August so maybe she's running to our times instead
In which case she won't be late, she'll be early!
haha your right Bree, its still too long, I'm exhausted, just saw another gorgeous healthy foal be born!! stunning with that big stripe what a good mumma!!

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