Mare ready to foal?

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No-one need worry - I opened up the gun cabinet and am now sitting with the 12 bore pointed directly at the screen. Any intruder will get a huge suprise from me if they try to get to our Suzie tonight!

Come on, come on, whoever you are, just give me the pleasure of pulling the trigger!
Girls get your coats on, we need to go and save Anna from herself before the
OK OK, have put the gun down - but it's still right by my side. Needed to zip off for a shower now organising breakfast washing up before I start my evening meal - what a slob! Still there's only me to please, so who cares.

What does Suzie think she's doing. it looks as though she's doing droppings in her kitchen, bedroom and statue room? Doesn't she realise that she's got to lay down and have this baby very shortly and baby will not be pleased to arrive with its little face in a pile of poo.

Perhaps I'd better fire this gun and send all that sh*t skyward????
She is really making a mess out of her room tonight.

Wonder what is up with that??

Is it a sign from the filly fairy???

Or just, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go??
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poor Suzie looks like she's used the bathroom everywhere tonight
I'm here too, eating my supper and casting my eyes between Suzie and the tv!
Apart from the fact that she has been using the whole of her stable as the toilet, Suzie has been really quiet tonight? Perhaps she is feeling a bit tired after her spell with the cows?
Anna, you still about?

AOL dropped my feeds on all the cameras. Grrrr

It's timely as I need to go feed, check waters

for Zoe and the thundering herd....

I'll step away if you're about.

Edit::: 6:53 Cassie time::: Anybody here??
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Thanks EMommy....let me know if you can access it and

then I'll go feed etc.

I can hear Zoe screaming at me thru the open windows that

I am past her lunch....demanding wench that she is LOL

Suz seems just fine, she's just moving about now as it's light out and her tummy is probably starting to growl...
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I'm here. I don't always have the message board up but the cam pages are up on my screen. I have 3 now.. Moonlight, Suzie and Peanut


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