Mare with early bagging now dripping milk at 275 days

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I have had very big (miniature) mares foal too, and they did not have huge babies, surprisingly enough. I do have a mare now that looked like she was going to foal at Christmas time as she is so big and still is. I was thinking twins too? She was bred in May. Last year she foaled at 302 days a healthy boy. She is typically a 318-320 days mare though, but in any case a bit earlier than 11 months, at the earliest her foal should be born the end of March if she foals early again. I cross my fingers each day she will have a healthy foal, she has had 10? foals for me and is the dam to Mattie and others. She is such a nice mare, so easy to settle/foal. I hope she holds out too long enough for viable foal, since she is so big so soon.

My other mare that gets really big as if she is carrying twins is also a mare that has produced many foals, I believe her count is 11-12 foals to date. Maybe some of them just stetch out? It does seem my younger mares and especially the show mares that have been conditioned as younger mares, hold their shape real well and bounce back too.

Still hoping all is well with your baby. Taking mares temp is good idea, it will tell you if the baby happens to be dead in there as she will get infection. Probably if she was sick and feverish though she would be off her feed and visably sick.

I believe I have yet, or at least not very often felt a baby move. I see them move sometimes from a distance and have actually seen them turn and enter the birth canal. Neat by the way, it is rolling movement, their sides just weave in and out and you see a rolling motion! I have tried all the advise here on the forum to get them to move with no luck. So hoping yours is still fine? Can your husband use a stethescope and listen for a heart beat?

* Someone mentioned "spell check" on the forum? Where is that?
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Well Shauna, now you have more company. One of our maiden mares, Getty, started dripping milk today at day 286 (by excellent vet u/s). Yesterday I took her to the vet and she stitched in the Foalert because of the beads of milk (clear) present. Her bag is full, but the teats aren't distended yet and her croup/hip still looks firm. This mare had a bad uterine infection after being bred in 2007 - it took the winter to get her cleared up. Uterine biopsy looked good and the culture was clean last year when we bred her. We put in a Caslick right away and just removed it yesterday. She was put on Uniprim about 4 days ago and started on Regumate yesterday. So I'm saying prayers and keeping fingers crossed with you. If it wasn't for the udder, I would say we still have a ways to go. But that udder is worrisome.
Hi, does anyone have any news about this mare?
valshingle, I hope Getty hangs on for you! It's horrible, all this anxiety and waiting, isn't it?

My mare is still holding on to her baby, we are at day 281 now! It's day 8 of dripping milk and meds. I want to do a happy dance with every day that goes by LOL She is still dripping milk for some reason, jello rear but hanging on to that baby. The meds seem to be working well in her case so far and I hope they do the same for your mare.
Well, we're at day 289. Getty has stopped dripping, but I'm pretty sure she's still oozing somewhat. There are dried beads of milk on her teats and her legs are a little gunky, but not wet. I think the Regumate has really helped stop the dripping. The vet discourages me from checking on milk color very often. I think she doesn't want her to 'lose' whatever plugs we have going. Her croup is still firm and since she has a nice long back, her belly isn't that huge. On u/s on day 285, the vet said the foal was not in foaling position yet.

I've got another mare, Dee Dee, at day 300. Last year, her first foal was stillborn due to placentitis at day 309. She's looking fine, but I spend my nights (and days!) flipping back and forth between the two cameras. The Foalerts are stitched in, but I'm still a nervous wreck.

A third mare, Angelique, is also at day 289, but she looks like a 'normal' day 289.

Shauna - I'm right there with you!!
Val, If you aren't adding in the antibiotics (SMZ's) and Banamine, you are not getting the"full affect" of this protocol - I have done it both ways, and adding the extras really makes a big difference.

Just a helpful hint -

Prayers and best wishes to all these little mares! Does anyone have a problem with their mares not wanting their udder checked. I don't know how about you folks, but I pretty much have to get on my hands and knees to check an udder, (I haven't won any limbo or limber(!) contests lately)-so I am in viewing postion--and the mare moves! Do you tie your mares when you check them? And all these wonderful pictures! It looks like the photographers were laying directly under the mares to get these great shots! My mare is due on March 15th and is starting to get a bag, but it's so hard to check. I am probably not checking her often enough. Previous owners said she foals 4-6 weeks after the beginning of her bag. She is so wide, she looks like a large airplane and turns like a plane too! Very sloooow pivots. I have 22 year old mare, who has lost the past two foals to the mold on fescue grass. We don't have a grass problem her, but I am sending her to the vet's to foal. She's due end of April, early May.

Safe foaling blessings to all!
Stacy - Getty is on Uniprim, but not on banamine. I asked the vet about banamine, but she didn't want to add it to the regimen. What would be the reason to add it? It's an NSAID right? Is it an anti-prostiglandin?

Wendy - I started out having to halter and tie the mares up to check sensitive bags. After several days, I just halter them and hang on to the the halter with my left hand and check the udder with the right hand. I start at the back and gently massage down until I get to the udder. Most don't mind the sides of the udder being checked - it's when you go for the teats that they seem to object to the most. I don't do those incredible udder photos - too tall and stiff for that.
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It is an anti-inflamatory and seems to help "settle things down" - you will general see a marked difference in the bag if you use Banamine - IMO it is worth it in order to keep the baby inside for an extra couple of weeks.

Keep us posted.

How is your girl doing today? I hope holding her own although I can't wait to see this baby! lol. I'll be watching.
Thinking about your girl and hoping all is well!! What day is she on today?
Whitney is still hanging on! Day 285 now from last breeding. She's been doing a lot of up and down, rolling and side biting the last couple of days, she's so dramatic. She is still dripping milk even more heavily than before and is so full, poor thing. I'm a bit confused why she's still has such a full bag and dripping, it seems the Banamine stops that in almost all cases. But Im really happy with everything else - yay for meds!!
Hopefully she'll hang in there a few more weeks, although she's acting so uncomfortable the last couple days I don't know.....

My other mare Tidbit (330 date April 25) is starting a bit of a bag as of yesterday's checks. She usually foals around 300 -310 days or so (last year a stillborn colt at 281-290 days but a clear culture so it's thought the baby died a day or two before for some reason) so she looks to be on track to go around 300 days again, maybe the beginning of April.

I'll try to make sure I post updates every couple days. I'm going to try to get a new udder pic of Whitney today for my records so I'll post it.
Thank you for the update and I am glad she is still holding on! Have you thought of some baby names? This baby will need a name to signify all this waiting and worrying. tee hee. Best of luck! I look forward to seeing new pictures. I would love to see her face too! tee hee.

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