I always act dignified and professional once I have left the ring.
As long as you describe 'dignified' as wrapping your arms around your horses neck while saying "you are the most amazing creature in the whole world!" and other such lines.
I always act dignified and professional once I have left the ring.
As long as you describe 'dignified' as wrapping your arms around your horses neck while saying "you are the most amazing creature in the whole world!" and other such lines.
I think Twinkles has a way to go based on how she was last year, she has another 10 or so days before she hits day 320 and I doubt she'll go earlier!
Fantasy's udder is taking it's time so while I still hope she goes early in her bracket of potential foaling I don't think she'll go super early! But of course I'm only guessing, no guidlines of how her udder progressed with her first bub.
Sorry you are having such horrid weather - we are being blessed with a few days of warmth and sun (just a FEW days forecast mind you). I just heard yesterday that they are forecasting another long freezing winter for us with loads of snow, October to February, - golly I really hope they are wrong!!
But it is so funny how some minis love the wind and rain and some head for the nearest building/shelter - little Lyric obviously loves the wind under her tail. LOL!!
Her mum and the other's have made a little group to shelter in and there's a little golden blur bouncing around the paddock
Lyric ruls the paddock. Fantasy is now allowed to relax (still bottom of the pecking order) because Lyric wants to play with her. I've also found them napping together. I think Lyric just walks over to anyone sleeping and settles down next to them.
Not that she is spoilt or anything! But how do you tell four mares to stop fussing?
I think I'm going to have an argument with Pallidon today. It is wet, as in it rained all night wet and his yard is a mud pit.
I bet he'll insist on coming out anyway and I think I'll just let him! I can always hose him off later
Even Lyric thinks this rain is less fun, she's joined the huddle! They have two bales of hay in there and are still getting breakfast and dinner so they'll be alright. Not to mention Lyric has the milk bar. But thankfully Twinky and Fantasy look k\like the last thing on their minds is foaling!