Depends on the groups rules. I'm now with AMHS (Australian Miniature Horse Society, the new lot
) and they have a "no foals under 4 months" rule that I really approve of. I think it's good to let them be babies.
Lyric MIGHT come out at 4 months if she is spending days away from her mum. She's a very independant foal and Rivain isn't a fretting type. If not she'll make it to the last two shows of the season including our big weekend away state show. I'm hoping that Sterling will be ready for that one but if he isn't ready for weaning I won't push him.
Another load of muzzle shots today
I tried sitting out there for over an hour to wait for when they got bored of me. Didn't happen!
Then I had to help put new gates up since the old ones were looking pretty bad. One of those was on Tinker's paddock which meant I spent most of the time getting stallion snuggles. Not as fluffy and sweet as foal snuggles but there is somthing special when a stallion comes over like that and puts all his testosterone loaded energy aside and wants some quiet time with his person, especially when there's a mare on heat 2 meters away from him!
The other guy who keeps his QHs here saw our first snake of the season, a red belly has moved into our old wood pile (always told dad he should deal with that...) and he looks slightly biggish. So probably not a full grown but at least it isn't a bub. Have to graze the big horses around the house again to get it 'snake safe'! Although I hope this means our blue tounge lizard will return to his favourite spot outside my bird avaries.
All my geldings are getting fat
I'm hoping Fantasy poops out that foal so she and the other girls can move into one of the bigger paddocks, then the geldings can use that paddock for the worst of spring. Also have to keep Tinker's herd where they are until spring has past. I really need to cut up some of the bigger paddocks so they work better for fat minis