Rivain has turned clingy to her two best mare friends and sulky towards me, I grabbed these while she was in a very intense grooming session so she managed to avoid being caught for one of her check ups.
With Ashanti being one of my new mares it is harder to judge her character changes, she is also heavily shedding out her winter coat which seems to be her primary motivation at the moment.
Yup, paddock foaling here. Rivain would probably go on strike if I tried to put her in the stable, she doesn't even like walking too close to the stable block
I can't really blame her, she's spent most of her life doing her own thing and hasn't been stabled a day in her life. She's only been on the float once to get here!
At last check no obvious changes so I might do one middle of the night check and then leave her until morning. My gut is saying not tonight. I'll build the amount of checks she gets around her signs and hope that doesn't steer me wrong.
Foal alarm is going in for repairs so I might have it back for Ashanti but definetly for Twinkles in October. It looks like she may have dunked the whole transmitter for long enough to fry somthing in it. Probably some sort of evil plan to stop me shoving the foal back in if it's a bay colt
Haha I reckon you right Bree lol how is she looking this morning?? That Is really frustrating about the alarm im sure suzie did the same thing she just wanted to be famous n be on camera lol
Both girls have more in their udders. I get the feeling Ashanti might sneak her foaling up on me, she went from having no udder to "hmmm okay, I think I'll fill it." It isn't huge but it was certainly a bigger jump then Rivain did!
Today Rivain is feeling smoochy towards me and the girls
I swear this girl can't make up her mind!
Ashanti just wants her coat out, we had a nice session with the shedding blade until Beauty decided she wanted some attention. Just a little bit of sister rivalry to start the day off!
Well you caught her! I'll let her know she didn't sneak past everyone
Looks like my own two girls are racing each other now! Rivain still has the bigger udder but we'll have to wait and see what Ashanti does very closely.
I think her udder-from-the-back shots show the difference best.
Last Night and with This Morning on the right
Suzie will change soon, maybe you'll get an instant udder! I still want to see all the girls drop their foals next week. Maybe they can do one per day, or one per hour!
Knowing my luck they'll both give me bay colts! But I've had a stern talking to with both of them, Ashanti had a bay colt to the same sire last year so now it is time for a silver filly, bay or buckskin will be fine
And Rivain of course has to have a buckskin filly with bling