hey Renee that is a great Idea I should try that on Finn as I see Penny backing up at him ALL the time LOL she is definitley the alpha mare, and even bosses my poor Suzie LOL
baby girl LOL
well, Bree, I sure hope some really nice show home comes along to buy him!!
he is so special!! he will go far, I think hehe
hey have you got the pics of Lyric yet?!! WE are still waiting LOL
:yeah ..just catching up on all the news here I havnt been able to get online..Iv had the dreaded bug thats going around but back on my feet again now so hoping to see some new pics of all the babies
Thanks Renee..Im almost back to my usual self now thank you but I did miss my grandaughters 5th birthday party
couldnt believe it..all the preparations and weeks of hard work and i missed it all..at least the cake got finished just in the nick of time so cant resist sharing a picture
WOW!! Lindy, that cake is absolutely amazing - you and your daughter are so talented!
Bet you had one very happy little grand-daughter, bless her.
So sorry you have been ill, just take it easy until you are fully recovered please.
How are you coping with this weather - I'm presuming you have the snow and freezing temperatures? Cathy's partners farm, only 6 miles from me, but in the valley down the other side of our mountain, hasn't had any snow at all!!
Have a lovely day.. those astronauts are so cute lol
Thanks everyone glad you like the cake we were quite proud of it
Not much snow here Anna we had a covering today but nothing worth getting excited about but when I left Cowbridge last night for home it was -8 c Bbbbbrrrrr
There was a stuff up with my photo order which delayed the pics
very soon though, I have told the photographer I have a bunch of slighty insane fans that might show up on my door step demanding photos if I make them wait much longer
Princess Lyric went Supreme Amateur Owned Miniature Horse Exhibit yesterday