MARTY Please read

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2003
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So many times you have reached out to our forum friends in times of sorrow with a beautiful poem you have written. When I lost my little foal last year, there it was, a touching gesture from you.

I have been so overwhelmed with grief for you today! I thought to myself what would Marty do if she heard of this happening to someone? Well, I think you would sit down and write a poem. Here is my attempt to do the same for you.

Crooked Halo

My angel has a halo, though crooked it may be.

He is someone special, especially to me.

His laughter, mischief, sparkling eyes,

Are part of me, you see.

Through years of fun and trials too,

Our love only grew.

Our little boy became a man,

A man so strong and true.

We watched him tumble his way through life,

So carefree did he seem.

Yet in his heart a love so big,

To share it was his dream.

To build a family farm on a special piece of land,

So many fence posts, shovels, tools, have felt his strong hand.

Blisters, hot sun, flooding too,

All he could withstand.

Oh yes, he was a cheater too,

The trouble it did brew,

The day he helped old granny

Get a BINGO, and from her table she flew.

Animals both big and small

Held our boy within their thrall.

Whinnies, nickers, barks, meows,

Brought smiles so big for one and all.

A firefighter he would be,

Run into burning buildings, set people free.

And when the flames weren't burning,

Save kittens high in trees.

His final chapter here on earth came all too suddenly soon.

Our boy was simply gone you see, one awful night in June.

Although not here in earthly form, his spirit will remain.

And that crooked halo is straightened now, over that blue moon.

Amy Lacy

June 10, 2006

Sending you all my love Marty, you just don't deserve this horrible, breathtaking pain.
Words just fill to a lump in my throat. This is so beautiful.
Amy, oh my gosh, that is just sooooo perfect!! Wow, you have a special talent, that poem just speaks volumes and it is so heart-warming and thoughtful, and shows Michael's whimisical side as well.

I am sure the whole family is going to love this special poem, it really is wonderful!
What a special personal poem.........

More than words can say
: You did a super job putting it all in words.. It takes a special person to be able to get that into words... :aktion033:
: :no:
: :aktion033:

Amy, the lump in my throat is beyond words right now. My hat is off to you.

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Very Nice.. if someone is attending the funeral it would be nice if that was read during it.. it says it all.. and then some..

Amy.. wow.. you are really talented.

Thank you to all for your kind words about the poem. I hope it gives Marty some nice remembrance about her dear son we had all come to love through her words. If someone wanted to read it at the funeral I think that would be great. If they could...I tried reading it to someone yesterday and broke into sobs and couldn't continue. It just seems so unfair that this bright light has been taken from us here on the earthly plain.

Sending more love and hugs today. (((((GARRISON FAMILY)))))
Wonderful poem, tahnks for sharing, Marty and her family will treasure them all.

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