MHCO Driving Clinic Day 1

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2003
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The first day of the clinic is behind us and I just wanted to post a couple of pictures. Hopefully others will post here after tomorrow's lessons.

I took Erick in for a longlining lesson.

Here are some pics of Erick. I have been driving him with the lines through the turrets but Jeff had me switch to running them through the tugs and wrapping the outside line around Erick's butt to help work on his bending. In these shots Jeff is holding the new set up while I hold the regular set up to get Erick used to it. We then removed the first set of lines and I took over.



Feedback has been great so far. Jeff is an excellent teacher with a genuine interest in the minis.
Erick is GORGEOUS!! Man, those legs go on for miles and he looks so classy in those wraps. Wow.

Thanks Leia! I love the polos on him too (my dressage backgorund coming out).

Kristin, the clinic was held at Jake Circle K Stable in Guelph. Day 2 was every bit as good as Day 1. Hopefully others who attended will post on here with what they thought. I'll see if I can get my hands on some more pics.
I too went to the clinic :D My lesson was on sunday from 1 to 2. It was very very good
: Jeff is an AWESOME clinician I didnt feel bad for any mistakes it was just all learning it was so good. Wee Mans getting more elsticity and was a very well behaved little man. Jeff put us through differant gaits and small and large circles , bending exc. Wee Man was dead tired LOL. I never work him that long or hard but Im going to start to do more of that meticulous work now :bgrin It was an AWESOME clinic Im really glad I went
: Wish he lived near me Id love to do like riding one lesson a week :bgrin Man Wee Man would be perfect then LOL.
I agree! I agree!

Jeff was great & really takes a keen interest in the youth.

Devon, Janice, Katie & Cara, as well as myself joined many other

MHCO members on Sunday for the private lessons....his clinic was

fully booked both days!

We plan on asking him down for a 4-H day at our new facility.

sorry pics...hopefully one of the girls have a few?
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A couple more pics...

Jeff makes adjustments to Summer's harness for Janice.


Jeff shows young Heather how to hold her lines.

: Wow Michelle, Erick looks great, I can't wait to see what he looks like hitched
: . I really like that picture of Jeff helping Heather :lol: .

Ashley :saludando:
: Wow Michelle, Erick looks great, I can't wait to see what he looks like hitched
: . I really like that picture of Jeff helping Heather :lol: .
You and me both Ashley! He'll be in the show ring next year.

I like the pic of Heather too. She is one special kid! Very focused.
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