Walt as usual your pictures are worth a thousand words. When you do up my disc -- can you please include the little girl on the last picture?? THanks for sharing the pics with us all . Did you get a good one of ET??
Cheryl -- Frannie has a new talent -- she is going into telling kids stories-- she told the little girl & another little girl how you get to the show from another country.
FIRST -- you have to cross the Detroit river- (I always thought it was the St Clair ) and to do that -- Walt had to swim with Frannie on his back & tow the truck with his teeth-- and he got a fish in his shoe & Frannie was the hero that got it out -- and they had to leave soon so that he didn't have to do it all in the dark NOW there is a good story if I ever heard one.
No wonder they don't leave the country often when it is so much WORK for Walt. LOL
LOL -- we had a fun day for sure.