I was reading the thread about American and European miniatures, and found it very interesting that the comment was made that the Van't Huttenest line is no longer desireable in the showring. I know the fashion is for the daintier types, but it seems to me the breed is heading toward miniature arab, and not miniature horse. There are all kinds of big horses. So, why can't the miniatures come just as varied? Couldn't judging be done like a dog show, where a dog is judged against its breed? A certain type could be judged for its superlative, and not all the miniatures would have to be clones of each other, like a bunch of teenagers who have to dress and act exactly alike. I am partial to my Van't Huttenest gelding, of course! He has personality with a capital P, big brown eyes, is willing to go, and sound. So, is he chopped liver because he doesn't look like an arab? If there could be an "improvement" in the breed, how about breeders doing something about all that hair??
