Ive been paying so much attention to the new girls last night after I fed every one and was about to head out the door back to the house Molly started nickering away and shoving her nose on the stall door. Of corse I had to go see what her problem was - typical Molly behavior is not the least bit friendly to any one but me - and never this friendly even with me. So I sat in her hay and talked to her, got her some carrots and treats, then she was all better, silly girl! Today I promised her a ride but it was to cold, so she came down to the road to get the mail and garbage barrel with me.... Try leading a horse on a snowy drive while hauling a garbage barrel and having the mail under one or the other arms. And once back up to the house, she demanded some pictures to show every one that big thick winter coat shes getting (Yeah... where is it?) I have a hairless horse!
Any way, Miss Molly...
Is she looking fatter to any one? Compared to her in these pictures taken in September... BEET PULP
That and the large colt is partially weaning only allowed to nurse 12 hours a day.
Ok thats it Im done now!
Any way, Miss Molly...

Is she looking fatter to any one? Compared to her in these pictures taken in September... BEET PULP

Ok thats it Im done now!