Mouse in the grain

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We use an old freezer, so no mice in the grain...

Yeah cause I hate mice as much as I hate snakes!!
LOL, oh, the balance of life.....

Well, let's see... it's either snakes or cats... have you tried the sticky traps? I dont know how they work though if it's cold- the glue might get stiff and not work so well?

Maybe try baiting them with peanut butter or something else they dont normally get? No, I wouldnt want to put out poison either, that is such a danger to other lives if they come across the dead rodent and decide to chew it up or eat it.

I have a bunch of Manx cats and they are great hunters... though I agree, the males would rather lounge around and look cool or be a clown for attention or something and the females are the good hunters. Fixed or not, they seem to have more instinct to hunt- thinking they must feed the family I guess.

I have seen mice chew through some incredible things, but never had problems with the metal trash cans and lids and I know a couple of other people who have old freezers to store stuff in too!!!!
I just remembered an anonnoying mouse story. One night we were asleep and at 2:00 am my husband hears water running. He jumps out of bed and in the laundry room there is water gushing out of the hose from the waterline to the washing machine. A mouse had chewed a hole in the hose and we had a HUGE mess!!I dont know why a mouse would chew thru that hose??
I just remembered an anonnoying mouse story. One night we were asleep and at 2:00 am my husband hears water running. He jumps out of bed and in the laundry room there is water gushing out of the hose from the waterline to the washing machine. A mouse had chewed a hole in the hose and we had a HUGE mess!!I dont know why a mouse would chew thru that hose??
Oh I remember the time I dropped my rolaid on the floor late at night, thought oh forget it, pick it up in the morning, it rolled under the bed.

Well, that night I heard drop and roll all the way under my bed, we have a King size bed, could not believe what I was hearing so turned on the light and seen something scamper into my closet, there was my rolaid at the mouse's hole... guess he had heart burn...

Should add they also like dog biscuits...
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We also had the big heavy duty plastic trash cans and thought all was safe till we were changing things around one day and my husband picked up one of the cans and grain just poured out of the bottom!!! we had no idea they had chewed up from below and been feasting on our grain for who knows how long...yuk! Gross! dumped it all and got metal ones..eeeewwwiii don't like the little varmits...we also have a problem with finding dead ones in thier water buckets....yuk..creepy...need a big cat!!!!!
We do not have mice problems, we have barn kitties. We have three outside cats and two barns, the two cats run one barn and one cat stays in the other. They even fight each other away from what they consider their barn. In the winter we even close the cats up in the feed room at night and let them sleep on a bale of hay loosened up. All the cats are fixed and we have no problems from them at all. Haven't seen a mouse in a couple of years.
Sorry that happened.

We have 7 barns cats - all spayed or neutered. Prior to having them we had a total invasion of mice! It was disgusting!
They got so bold that they wouldn't even run away when I went into the feed room!
Drove me crazy and they were creepy little creatures!

Now we have the cats and I RARELY see and mouse or mole and when I's a dead one!
No more of those tunnels into the hay or ground. We don't have a problem with the cats messing up the barn or hay. They go in the stalls and it gets cleaned out when the stalls are picked and striped. I've personally come to the conclusion that one or two cats don't do as well as several. And we feed our cats Science Diet. They don't eat the mice - much - they just terrorize them so they don't want to hang around.

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