My daughters Quarter Horse

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
My daughter is away tonight and can not reach her, but got a call where she has her Quarter Horse boarding, he is in bad shape when they found him, we got there around 9:30 p.m.

He has colic and stomach is hard and very faint heart beat, vet took for ever it seemed to come out, finally got there at 1:00 a.m. and we tubed him, etc, nothing more we can do, unless we took him too Guelph which the vet did not think he would make it there and no quarentees, he is just resting quietly, vet said if he makes it through the night, it is a miricle, please pray for General, a 6 year old Palamino gelding.

Please Please prayer for him.

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I am so sorry about General. I lost a mini mare last month to a bad colic. I sure pray that General makes it.

My vet said that due to the colder weather he has seen a lot of colics this winter.
Sending good thoughts for General.

My old Quarter Horse mare Josie used to colic like clock work once or twice every winter. I can remember spending all night at the boarding barn hand walking her in 10* weather on at least 6 or 8 occasions. Seems like the cold weather always brings it on, and she was a finicky mare. Didnt like water cold, didnt like it hot... Did your vet give him anything for pain? Some may disagree and say it masks the symptoms, but we always gave banamine to keep them as comfortable as possible.
Did your vet give him anything for pain?
Yes, I had given him banimine and the vet gave him something stronger.

We thought for sure at 4:00 a.m. he was a goner, he had gone to the part of the stall where the door was, and layed flat out of course where the cold cement was, very faint breathing and did not respond.

The lady at the boarding place just called me, and said cannot believe it, General is still alive and moved himself back onto the bedded area and did lift his head when she went in and is breathing a little better, not sure if this is a turn for the better, but is still layed flat out and is amazing still alive.

He sure is a fighter, but the stomach is still hard.

Going to call the vet in another hour to see what he thinks, because he did not think this morning he would be alive... oh please please please keep those prayers coming, you would never have believed he could still be alive this morning if you had ever seen him last night.

Of course my knee cap is about 3X the size where when he was laying down my husband and I tried to get him up and without warning flipped over and his spine hit my knee. but forget about me, just keep those prayers coming.

Still waiting to hear from my daughter, just maybe I can give her good news instead of what we where expecting.

thankyou thankyou thankyou.
Hope you have good news today, and that he bounces back. Colic can surely be a nightmare....been there too many times. Did the vet run IV fluids into him as well as tubing? If you get enough fluids in them it sometimes will do the trick.

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Hope you have good news today, and that he bounces back. Colic can surely be a nightmare....been there too many times. Did the vet run IV fluids into him as well as tubing? If you get enough fluids in them it sometimes will do the trick.Jan
No, and just got off the phone with the vet, and he said he has twisted his intestines, and its just a matter of time.

I asked if he should come out and put him down, he said wait another few hours...being he is in no pain I should add

Finally my daughter called she is getting a ride out to the barn, she is just crying poor girl, going over to meet her thank you all. not much hope now. will let you know when I get back ...
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Mary, I am praying for some miracle for General. I feel so bad for your daughter. How long has she had General? Hes so young.
Well, I will still say prayers for your precious General. I pray that you and your daughter find strength in each other, in this terrible time. I have been in the same situation, I feel deeply for you guys. May he cross over peacefully, and with the ones he loves and love him.
Prayers for General and you and your daughter. Hope for a miracle, but if that doesn't happen may he cross the Rainbow Bridge peacefully.

God bless and (((((HUGS))))

I'm really sorry to hear that he's in such bad shape. Gotta add though that I'm surprised the vet says he twisted his intestine but still wants to wait a few hours. One can only assume that he's making an educated guess about the twisted gut; and if it is, I don't understand waiting.

Sure hope next time you post it's with much better news about his condition. I'm sure your daughter is devistated.
Mary , so sorry to hear about General, I will pray for a miracle, Hugs sent your way for all of you. Take Care Frannie
AppyLover, I thought it was odd to wait a few more hours also, but it depends upon the severity of how bad its twisted. Alot of horses make it thru a colic surgery that have had twisted guts...I guess that is why I dont understand him waiting a few hours. I would of thought he would of wanted to preform surgery ASAP, if he thought there was a chance. Mary, did he do a abdominal tap to check the fluids? Did he say which area was twisted and how bad?

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