Ok... I know there are more nosey people on this forum than what has posted! (No hints from any that know!!! At least none from me!) Come on.... All you nosey people, email and find out! This is just the best secret to be in on!
I'm warning you all that are not in on the secret... You just may be sorry when you find out if you wait to long to get in on it!
Hi folks, okay as of Right now 12/1/05 at 7:30 I have replied back to all my e-mail/PM. If you have Not heard back from me, either say so here, or PM me!
Sedah, I believe I got back to you this afternoon or last night...Not sure
but I do remember reading your name in my e-mail!
Everyone else who knows, Post here please!!! The more the merrier!!!
You all are slowing down... I Know there has to be more of you out there thinking that I will just give in and post it here...
But Nope Not gonna happen for a LONG time, and once I do, I promise, if there is any X-mas spirit in you, and you didn't find out, you will be sad you missed out....
This is something Very special, and a current tally is close to over 100 forum members... We have alot more out there, Join in & e-mail or PM me!!