I'm hoping I can word this right. Please bear with me. I'm really tired.
If my neighbor has three non branded horses in their field. They have brand inspections on all three. I wait until they leave, load up two of them, haul them off to the sale. I can lie to the brand officers and say they are my horses, I raised them, and I can sell them. If my neighbors aren't there to say they are their horses, and don't have the brand inspections to prove it, the animals are sold. What happens is, like my mare, the "trainer" lied and said she had this horse dropped off in the middle of the night, and needed it gone. They believed her, she went in the sale. Because they can't take all the brand books, and a copy of all of our brand inspections with them to every sale, they can't and don't check the records. If the horse has a brand on it, the person bringing the horse to the sale is FORCED to prove ownership of that horse, because it is branded with someone elses brand. Even if I'm selling a horse I raised and it has my brand on it, I need to show proof of my brand, and any other paper work on the horse. What the brands do is put a kink in those who steal horses and resell them. If they can't prove they have paper work on that horse, with my brand, then they call the owner of the brand to see if you ever sold that horse or not. Will it totally put an end to horses being stolen, no, but it will slow down the process, and the odds of you getting your animal back are way higher.
I have a brand inspection on the mare that was sold yesterday. Didn't do me any good. She was still sold with out me knowing. Because I didn't have a brand on her. Brand horses are safer then non branded horses.
I hope this is easier to understand. I haven't gotten much sleep since she sold. I'm sure my wording was hard to understand. Sorry about that.
If you live in a non brand state, I would be really intersted in what your laws are to protect your horses. Please share with us what you can do to protect your animals.