my horses are finally in my back yard!

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Fort Collins, CO
Ghost moved in a few weeks ago, princess came home yesterday. we have to finish the last two stalls, then we can have the whole "herd" home! the fence building guy is here right now, working on the last little bit we have to put up.

Ghost and Princess get along great, they are always in the stall with each other. this was her first whole day away from charm (who's six months now...gee honey time to fly the nest). he hasn't been nursing all that much, really only a few times a day. so when we brought princess home, i doubt he really noticed, as he still lives with his grammy and two gelding friends. his grammy spoils him to death, and the other two are his best buddies. i think princess is glad to be rid of the "pest" that kept following him around. :lol: we weaned him soooo gradually, this is just the final step, and everyone's happy with it.

okay here's the pics of two of my girls, having a great time in the new paddock that just finished yesterday.

here she is lookin like a french model


that mysterious look


cute eyeshot of ghost


posing pretty (she stood like that, showing off, until i could turn the camera back on and take the pic!)


high steppin it!


somebody's got a shaggy winter coat!


i love the soft look in her eye


ghost through the branches


WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i feel gooooooooood da na na na na na i knew that i wou-ood da na na na na na

(don't mind her udders, yes they have oragel on them and i do squirt out some milk every once in a while to help her out)




my absolute favorite picture i took today (i think i'll send it to equusite. tell me what you think)



and hey, you can't say i didn't warn you about the million pics! i took 32, it was hard to narrow it down to 12. my girlies were so frisky this morning, i hope i captured their personalities in these. (and srry if some pics are too big)

thanks for lettin me share
awww your horses are adorable!!

LOL isn't it funny when they start feelin good and running around all crazy like that? Mine gets so excited sometimes! Earlier she was just running circles around the corral and kickin up her heels and whinnying loudly, it was great! I thought she was gonna run into the fence a few times, but she cut in tighter and never tripped up once LOL! Its amazing how she can run so fast and wild and still maintain such control, if it were me I would land on my face doing that haha!!! I love watching them when they're feeling good :bgrin
CUTE!!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures - looks like they are having a GREAT time!!!! :aktion033:

All: a few weeks ago I was driving my truck and on my right was Alex walking her little Ghost down the equestrian trail - talk about a CUTE mini!!!
: Absolutely adorable!!!

Liz R.
minis sure are cute when they feel like kickin up their heels!

CUTE!!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures - looks like they are having a GREAT time!!!! :aktion033:

All: a few weeks ago I was driving my truck and on my right was Alex walking her little Ghost down the equestrian trail - talk about a CUTE mini!!!
: Absolutely adorable!!!

Liz R.

yup! that was the day we moved Ghost in. once we get all four back here, you'll have to come see us again!
: and meet the Charmster :lol:
Great pics :aktion033: and it looks like you are building a wonderful home for all your minis
Thanks for sharing those pics
: . They certainly do look happy, it's like they are saying "HOME SWEET HOME, WEEEEEEEEEEEEE" :bgrin
Where did you buy Ghost? Just curious as she looks just like a "ghost" I inquired about that was for sale last year, I think in WI. If not the same, she is a dead ringer and funny that the name would be so close. Your girls look very happy!
Where did you buy Ghost? Just curious as she looks just like a "ghost" I inquired about that was for sale last year, I think in WI. If not the same, she is a dead ringer and funny that the name would be so close. Your girls look very happy!

yes, i got her from Dun Painted Ranch in Wisconsin. i perchased her last year, and she came to California in January. Princess and my other 2 minis (Sugar and Charm) came from her ranch also.
: funny so many people know Ghost, i get comments like this all the time!
: i love my popular lil baby

thanks for the nice replies everyone!
Small world, huh!
Congrats on snatching her up. She sure is gorgeous.
how fun to see them having fun. i love to let the girls out with camera in hand. unfortunately most of my pictures are very tiny as they are so far away. if i zoom, i get half-horses LOL.
Love Casper

Thanks for sharing, they are all great pictures. I think they would be a winner on Equusite.

I just sent one in today, which will be on tomorrow, my Gabriel. So hoping yours will be too.

First you got to pick one and send it in. Then we can all vote.

I know it must be so great to get them home. I think it would be so hard to not have them

in your back yard. I could not handle it. I got to be able to go out through the day, and see

them, kiss them, get my hugs.

Wishing you the Best. And please more pictures as you get them home.


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