My Parents' Car Accident

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
Hi, Everyone --

Last Tuesday afternoon, my parents were in a car accident. They are going to be okay, but it was scary!

My mom was at fault. She pulled out of their subdivision right in front of another car that was going about 55mph. She and my dad were on their way to pick up Jonah (their grandson / my nephew) because he was coming from day care to their house to decorate cupcakes

The lady driving the other car is okay, thank God.

Mom had to go to the emergency room in the ambulance from the accident. She could NOT walk. She could move her legs and feet when she was sitting down, but not when she stood up. It was too excrutiating to even move her legs. She has had back problems all her life. The x-ray didn't seem to show new damage, but it was Saturday before she could walk at all. My dad was helping her into an office chair and wheeling her around basically until then. She saw her regular doctor on Monday and she is doing better every day but I was really worried for her at first.

My Dad, oh my gosh, he is STUBBORN. He wouldn't talk to the doctors at the hospital about himself but his leg was hurt and calf was very swollen. It wasn't better THIS Tuesday, one week after the accident! And we'd been trying to get him to have it looked at. If it were me, my sister or my mom refusing to see a doctor, he'd be so upset but it's a different set of rules for him. I was finally able to get him to let me make a doctors appointment even though he was furious at me at first.

I took Dad to the doctor who gave him orders for an x-ray and a sonogram of his leg to check for blood clots. When the doctor said that, Dad realized we were right to insist he go to the doctor. I took him on Wednesday to the hospital for the tests but his doctor has not yet called with the results. However, the person who did the sonogram thought it looked good. The x-ray person didn't remark, but it's the clot thing that would be an immediate danger. I'm guessing the x-ray was okay or we'd have heard by now (?).

The doctor did say he thought it was just a bad bone bruise but that we needed the sonogram and x-ray to be on the safe side.

So far as I know, the insurance appraisor has yet to come and look at the car. We hope they will total it. It's a Volvo XC 90 SUV. It's a 2004 with like 30k miles on it. I don't know much at all about cars but I'm worried and so are my folks that it won't ever be restored to its original level of safety and safety is why my Mom was driving a Volvo. I don't know how much damage it has to have had to get it totaled. I know the book value but no clue what value it has to an insurance company as a salvage vehicle (any ideas?).

Yesterday, I drove out to the salvage yard and took pictures of it, for whatever worth they may be to my folks if the insurance company doesn't do what they want. The guy who took me back to where the car is told me the airbags alone are $6k to replace and that he presonally didn't think it could be fixed to be as safe as before.

I'm thankful they were in the Volvo since they are such safe cars. My parents have in the past had some not so safe cars, like that little cadillac XLR (like a corvette, but nicer). I'm also happy they were not in my dad's SUV which is a 2007 Escalade. I would worry that wouldn't be fixed as safe as new and nearly for sure not a car that would be "easily" written up as a total.

Here is my mom's Volvo, which happily took the worst of the accident vs. any people. Note that I think the drivers' side tire is leaning so maybe the axil is bent. My dad said at the accident site, the tires were pointing left and right, but they were pointing in the same general direction yesterday. The console and gear shift thing was pushed back as well.


PS My parents nearly took their little yorkie mix dog with them to pick up Jonah and if they had, I'm sure Bruiser would have been killed. It's made me think how dangerous it is to take the dogs for rides when it's not necessary.
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I am sorry about your parents but I am glad they are going to be ok. It must be a dad thing about going to the doctor because I just went through this with my own father. He was not feeling well and didn't want to

go to the doctor and finally talked him into going.

Good luck to your parents and keep us updated.

jill im so sorry and as you know i do know what you went thru
Im so glad your parents are okay. Ill have to take pics of my car today. looks much worse then this one.

one other weird thing is the airbags did not deploy in my car. the paramedics were shocked. since kennys was an front end collission they should have deployed.
Kay, did you get the car second hand? If so, I'd wonder if someone dishonest sold it to you (like maybe it was wrecked and didn't get the airbags replaced). I know the airbags in any car are very expensive to replace. Those Volvo's are built like tanks. H drives one, too, but not as nice as my mom's (was!).
Wow Jill!! How scary!! :new_shocked: I'm glad they will be OK and also that it happened on the way TO pick up your nephew and not AFTER...even tho they make kids wear the safest of carseats now, still would have been more traumatic having a little boy in the vehicle.

One time I was in a wreck (in a pick up) and the frame was bent, the insurance wanted to fix it and I said NO it!! They can never totally staighten out a frame...and Im sure if the axel is bent, its the same deal! Even tho your parents' vehicle doesnt "look" that damaged, its the stuff you don't see that makes it unsafe if they dont fix it to original.
i just posted pics of it. we did buy it used but this year didnt have the option where you can turn them on and off. Years ago i had a wreck in a minivan and those airbags also didnt deploy. It was one we had bought new. A mechanic my hubby knows said if the sensors on the front of the car dont hit exactly right they wont deploy. im so glad your parents are okay

oops i should also say we did a car history on the car before we bought it and it was never wrecked.
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Phew! My parents just heard from the insurance company and they ARE totaling the car
So glad that everyone is ok Jill, what a horrible experience for all of you!

Also glad the insurance company is scrapping the car, these vehichles are just never right when they try to fix them after something like that.
Usually if there is suspension damage to a newer 4WD vehicle the insurance companies total them as they are liable and it is hard to get the car right ever again. They end up usually at Copart salvage auction and alot of times get shipped overseas and repaired. We had a customer/friend get hit by a drunk driver in his Durango pulling a horse trailer. The guy actually hit the trailer and ripped it along with the entire hitch attached to the Durango off the Durango. The Durango had only suspension damage, it pulled the rear axle back 6 inches and ripped the driveshaft out of it. The insurance adjuster didn't even make up an estimate, just said TOTALED.
Oh so glad they are ok. Even a minor accident can case life-threatening injuries, but this looks like there was a lot of energy absorbed by the front end of that car.

You're right in that the repairs rarely make a car 100% again. We had someone hit our rear tire on one of our trucks and the driveshaft was bent as well as the rear axle. The insurance co. bought and insisted on used parts, and the axle they put in was also bent. We had to have it done AGAIN, and it still wasn't right b/c lots of interior parts rattled and the windshield sprung a water leak, also the turn signals would short out. We sold the truck and started over.

Anyway, keep an eye on those two and hope they refrain from further adventures. Guess your mom will be looking both ways again and again before she pulls out into traffic. Glad she has a second chance to learn a lesson, we all make mistakes and sometimes we get "called" on it.

Liz M>

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