My turn for good thoughts and a prayer please

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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This heat!!!!

Two mares with colic. One is improving greatly. The other is hugely distended with gas. Vet has been out and was here for 3 hours.

Going to watch her a little while longer. Trailer is hitdhed and ready to go to hospital. Have to get my Dad situated, cleaned up and fed. Going to try to hold out to trailer to hospital for a couple more hours( so my Dad doesn't have to be alone too long... husband has a short day in work.)

Please send up a little prayer. I would appreciate it. Gotta run.

Hang in there Robin.....prayers are coming!

I live right up the road from you. If you need me at all please let me know!!!! I am sincere!! I can help with the horses or even help with your dad. Please take me serious. I am here doing nothing at all!!! All day and night heck, all wkend. Please let me know. You have my number.

I pray all is well!!!!!
: prayers coming your way.

we pray your mares recover soon.

keep us posted.
Hope things are getting better. You have my thoughts.
Robin, I am saying a prayer for your girl. Please keep us updated when you can!!
Adding my prayers for your mares!
Robin, you know you have my prayers and please keep us posted when you can.

Robin, I hope all is much improved by now. Keeping you and your mares in my thoughts and prayers.
More prayers and healing thoughts from Oklahoma are coming your way. I hope by now your sickest one is making improvement.

Hope she is doing better! We had gas colic once, after the banamine took effect, she started releasing gas left and right. SO hope to hear some great new soon!
Keeping you and your mares in my thoughts.

Liz M.
Hi Robin

You might try Mylacon drops for gas colic. It is in the baby section of the grocery story or pharmacy -- works for babies and it works for horses too. But you do need to know that you are for sure dealing with a gas colic and not something else.

Hoping that all is well by now - I sure can sympathisize with what you are going thru.

I want to join in and add my sincere hopes for a very good outcome for your horse/horses! Makes my heart ache when I read about these things..

I'm going out and hug my mare and we'll send a prayer your way from the barn..

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Thank you all. Gracie is hanging in there. She seems a little better, so I didn't take her to New Bolten Center. I would have if I didn't see a change. Still have the trailer hitched up though. She was given more IV fluid today. A intravenous ppain med... begins with a D... and another injection of Banamine. Tired and brain isn't working. Its short acting about 45 mins. I thibk it broke the cycle. She was so tense, and HUGELY bloated like a whale, hard as a rock. Now she is a little softer, her heart rate is better. She is slowly passing some gas. Still has the jugular line and I have Rompun on stand by incase she gets worse again.

I LOVE the simethicone drops and keep some in my colic kit. I tried my "recipe" but she needed a lot more help. I thnk and hope things are looking up a little. She glared at me when I didn't feed her, and only syringe fed her a bunch of Powerade for sugar and lytes.

The other mare is much improved, and seems to be herself again.

It was a very long night and day. I smell really bad and am going to take another shower!

Thanks to all of you, and to Zoey for offering to come and help and even help with my Dad. The forum familyis awesome!


I am glad she is doing better. I think from here you will see great improvemenet. Please keep us posted.

PS my offer still stands

You are a great mini mom
I'm sorry your girls don't feel well. Colic is scary. I hope Gracie keeps passing it and feels better quick. I'm sending my prayers too!

She sounds much worse than my mare Lady did a few years ago. She was huge with gas and it was hard to keep her up. I gave her a bunch of enemas (much water, gently a little at a time) and soon she started passing tons of air along with the water and you could see her sides go down! Then she was fine. I pray your girl will be too.


Robin too

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