N00b w/prego rescue mini

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Just adorable
I was wondering where you had disappeared to
Bad girl! How about a little video for us to see this little girl up close
Thanks... I am kinda hooked. Video is not the best. I was thinking she might be full of energy from being stalled all night but she was rather reserved. I will see if I can catch her usual self later!

OK... try again... I think I got it fixed so that the link will work now.
I love my girls!!!! I am so proud of Topaz and how quickly she learns... and now Charm is starting to pick up better behavior from Topaz!!!! (not that she has ever been a 'bad' horse she just has never been too social)
Not only is she extremely cute, she's a very good looking little girl too!!

Thanks for the video - cant wait for the next one (hint hint!).
Thank you! I am a little biased and know very little about minis so I appreciate the outside feedback. I hope to get video of her being her usual "full of it" self soon but she has been rather quiet the past few days.

Can anyone recommend training resources? or a list of desired behaviors maybe with age milestones? Right now she is like a little sponge! As long as it is at her pace (OK her terms) and near momma she is willing to try just about anything I have put in front of her. We have not done anything with head collars as I cannot find one small enough yet to be safe even under supervision. The clippers are still a little questionable. She picks up all four and let me file them a bit. She has teeth now so we are working on no nibbles. She is a little pushy so we are working on that. She still gives a bit of a fuss when I touch her ears or go in her mouth but she will let me. We play with blankets and other things that flap in the wind.

Also, she has a sm jolly ball but suggestions on other toys would be appreciated too... I want to keep that little mind thinking!

It sounds as though you are doing all the right 'learning' things with her right now! I wouldn't worry about headcollaring - us naughty people dont even bother about ours until after weaning and have never had a problem! Just do it when the time feels right.

Did you ask about a possible companion at weaning? I would say yes, it is always easier to wean with a companion (another filly of similar size and age!), babies and youngters always do better with company plus they need someone to play and race around with to use up all that extra energy!!
New video!!!!

OK... you have to watch as my non-horsey BF tries to walk by and she throws a mini fit!!! ROFL! I had to tell him to stop and pet the princess! The photo bombing nose is Holly my other rescue. then the little buck near the end was when I asked her to "come in". OMG she is too funny!!!!

Momma is in the stall thankful for dinner ALONE! so baby checks in and she will poke her head out now and again but this exploration has become a nightly thing... YUP... then I will wonder why the heck she will never go right in her stall at night when she is older!!!
Oh, and please excuse the messy barn... we were with family all day... poor neglected horses!!! ;)
Just adorable
my babies used to always hang out in the corridor whilst their mum's ate dinner too
Thanks! She is rotten! I think I found the perfect weaning partner for her! Beautiful grey paint (not a combo I usually like but this baby pulls it off well). It live about 5 miles away so transport shouldn't be an issue... NOW to convince the BF that this is how it HAS to be done ;) , convince the other foal it is a filly (haven't stopped for an up close and personal look) AND convince the owners that they want to sell me the mini horse not one of the mini donkeys they have for sale.......... Upside... Have my hay ordered for winter and price locked in... Just have to get the money and the space to keep it! HA!
That's great
we will write you a letter on "how to wean" for you to print of and give to BF

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