I'm so heartsick over this and I'm also angry. Jerry and I were out in the yard when we saw this happen. Rushed over and got her away from the dogs; I got blankets thinking she was in shock and all I knew was to keep her warm and ran to the internet to find the number of the emergecy clinic over in Chattanooga someplace. I realize my kitty was not in my own yard during this attack. The road she was across was actually our private road so narrow that barely one car can fit down it at a time. She was in the field right opposite our yard just a few feet away from it as she always plays there when these two rat terriers grabbed her. These rat terrier mixed breed dogs belong to a neighbor that has allowed them to run loose for a long time. They have caused nothing but trouble because they come in my back yard, bark constantly under our windows all night long, have been in my barn and barnyard trying to bite my horses. I've had to keep my own dogs inside for hours on end when I see them coming because I know my dogs would attack them. One of them even bit me a couple years ago when I was trying to shoo them out of our yard when they were trying to get in our garbage cans. I have tried to get the neighbor to keep them on her own property for years but she said she does not believe in that. I offered to buy and put up a fence for them, an insullated dog house, collars and chains, make runs, you name it and she has refused. She is going to hear about this.
We just burried our little girl. We think she had a lot of internal injuries.