Need Help Please! Mare Literally Starving Herself!

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So sorry that things are not turning around for your mare. I guess the best thing, if you can call anything best now, is to remember that "letting go" is probably harder on those "left behind" than those that are "going". You've taken such good care of her and that's something to be proud of.
Whichever way things go, I pray the outcome occurs in a swift manor. She is in excellant hands regardless of the outcome.

Best wishes,
Yep Stephanie.....I think it was EquiStim.....not 100%, but 98% sure that's right. Not sure if it would work for you mare Parmela, but it has worked well on mine the two times I needed her to boost back out of a rut; and b-12complexes werent' doing the trick.
Parmela I'm so sorry your girl Cappy is not doing any better, it makes it so hard when they are still a young 21 yrs. I'm sending prayers to help your grieving heart and to give you the strength to do what is needed for the comfort and well being of your girl.

God bless.
[SIZE=12pt]Parmela, [/SIZE]

I am sorry things aren't going better for you and your special little girl. My thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.



I'm so sorry she's not improving...I know too what it's like to have an older one with issues. {{Hugs}} to you.

Oh Parmela,

This is not what I had hoped to hear either........I am so sorry and still with no certain answer. I would do what you are doing.. I think it is a good decision at this point. Give your little Cappy lots of hugs and who knows, maybe the meds you are doing will help... it's worth a try!! Hugs to you too.
Parmela I am so so sorry that Cappy's prognosis was not an optimistic one. I hope that regardless of how much longer she is with you her final time with you is peaceful and loving. I also wanted to thank you for starting this thread. I've been going through something similar with one of our 20-somethings, and his prognosis isn't good either, but with several other teenagers on the farm I am hopeful that in the future some of this advice will pay off. So thank you too to everyone that's contributed - I now have a nice long senior checklist for future vet visits.
I wish for both of you that this could be fixed.

I would keep the full doses of gastrogard going, especially if you are using a steroid. Steroids can really bring on an ulcer.

I think the probiotics and equistim are good ideas.

Perhaps some maple syrup or molasess several times a day for holding up her blood sugars?

The anemia can certainly be a sign of an ulcer. She might be just slightly bleeding and you would not see it.

Carafate is something worth a try ALONG with the gastrogard. Give a human dose, you can get the vet to write it and have it filled at the pharmacy. It is important in treating ulcers because it puts a protective healing almost gel over the ulcer area so that stomach acid can't keep eroding it. It goes hand in hand with the omeprazole(gastrogard)It must be given for 6-8 weeks. Continue the gastrogard all the while to decrease the production of acid.

Also, you can try syringe feeding her vanilla yogurt, good calories, good calcium and good probiotics. My horses actually like it.

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Rats. She'll appreciate the attention and the loving--no matter how many days she has left. She'll leave with a full heart and that's always a good ending.
Rats. She'll appreciate the attention and the loving--no matter how many days she has left. She'll leave with a full heart and that's always a good ending.

I fully agree with Karla......"Rats" is right. What a bittersweet thing. Time to love and spoil and snuggle, but knowing what the outcome is......
Oh Parmela- I don't know how I missed this, but I just saw this thread now. I am so sorry to hear about what you and Cappy are going through. Hugs to you both. I wonder if Stomach Soother would help her???? Don't think it could hurt anyway.
[SIZE=12pt]I'm so sorry to hear about "Cappy". [/SIZE]

She's a beautiful little mare and my prayers are with you and her.
I am so sorry to read about your mare. Sending hugs to you and Cappy.
rayers for a miracle for Cappy...This is so frustrating when you have sooo many questions and so few answers...
I just can't stop saying thank you enough to all the responses and the wonderful outpouring of support I've gotten here, in emails, calls, etc. I really appreciate the help sorting through this especially since it's so hard emotionally and sometimes I don't think I'm thinking clearly about it.

I'm very surprised but pleased to say that Cappy is still with me at this time. I honestly didn't expect she would be and don't know that she still will be tomorrow, but right now she is and that's a good long as she's not suffering and when I think she's gotten to that point I will make the decision that needs making.

She still has little to no appetite but even one tablespoon of feed every couple of hours is better than nothing at all. She is currently on gastrogard and banamine and had one steroid shot yesterday also. It could be my imagination or wishful thinking but about an hour after her meds she seems a tad perkier. But by nighttime she is usually back down and pretty lethargic. Giving her shots when there is just no meat on her bones just breaks my heart. But she's so calm and sweet and has ALWAYS put up with vet stuff without ever fussing. When she aborted and was flushed and examined and had blood drawn, once it was all over the vet commented "we didn't even put a halter on this mare, did we?" Nope, I just stood next to her with my hand on her neck and she stood there the whole time!

I've ordered some other things I'm going to try to help her. I'm taking advice from several different sources and trying to merge it all and come up with a plan. Some of the things I've got coming and will try alone or in conjunction with each other are:



Stomach Soother



Safflower oil

ADR paste

alfalfa meal (this is different stuff. take a look at it sometime if your feed store has it)

I will be working out the dosages and frequencies as I go. I am NOT suggesting that anyone else try this approach (everything but the kitchen sink) but I figure I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This is what I am choosing to do and I'm sharing it so maybe someone else can learn, not for any other purpose. If I can just get her to eat, with her spirit she may be strong enough to get paste this low point. Regardless, I do believe the vet is correct and that there is something life-ending going on inside her, I just don't know if it's meant to be right now. If it is, then I will accept that. But if she seems to want to keep trying I am going to try and help her.

Thank you all again.

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