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Just for fun - I'll guess smokey cream.
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Thanks Susan. I got her at about 21.25" (after a couple of days when she was up on her feet better). Her mid knee to coronet measurement was 7" at birth, but I am not o sure those can be done real accurately either.Mona,
I just love your new baby girl!!
How tall is she?
And being a color nut, like the others I am anxiously awaiting your DNA tests!!
Susan O.
Well you don't HAVE to test for cream if you are sure they are, but that would be the only way of giving you the 100% difinitive answer in scientific form..."proof" if you will. (I opted to save my money...I feel I already have the "proof in the pudding".Hi Mona,
Yeah! I am happy you got the results...she is a doll.
So if you know they are double dilute, you don't really need to test for cream right?
You have me wanting to get my girls tested(mare & filly)
I always thought you had to test for all 3.
But that would save me $50 on the mare and filly as I know they are for sure DD
I think I will test my filly for champagne, just because so many have said something about it....so I would need to test for red factor, agouti, and champagne on her since we know she is DD.
And on my mare I will just need to do red factor and agouti?
Is that correct?
"Last Chance Supremes Creme Brulee" It's arich dessert with a light golden middle and crispy darker golden edges. Yummy!I really like this name!
She's gorgeous Mona!