[SIZE=12pt]The old farm house. High a-top a hill surrounded in gigantic scenic oak trees enveloping the sweet little house. Advertised as a "doll house"......ah......the humble abode. Welcome to country living. My style.[/SIZE]
Who wouldn't want to live out in the country? The sounds of mother nature at her finest is enough to pull me towards it like a magnet. The spring time wild flowers bursting through the earth, the soft summer breeze kisses your face as it blows across the fields, the crackle of the fallen leaves under your feet in the fall, and the white blanket of new fallen snow that covers your pastures is a cherished gift. And so lays the background for your pursuit for country living. You are getting back to basics in air that you can breath, in a place where you have chosen to travel a meandering dirt road, vs the city pavement where a drive by shooting just took place. Instead of fire engines clanging and police car sirens, you hear the moo of a cow, or the bray of a jack, and of course, the nicker of your horse.
You see the old country farm house as a modest refreshing delight with character and charm. Freshly picked bushel baskets filled with apples adorn your back porch, from the trees in your orchard . There's two aged rockers on the front porch where you sit with the family dog while enjoying your freshly squeezed lemonade. The old wooden floor throughout the home has a few choice squeaks that just adds to this charm more and more. The bathroom floor is covered in old linoleum that you haven't seen since 1960 and it reminds of you memories long past. Your little eat in kitchen is quaint and tiny and there's a boquet of freshly picked flowers from your own garden on the table. When you go to sleep at night, you hear the tapping of branches against your bedroom window that keeps time like a pendulum. You can hear the pitterpat your little barn kitties as they run across your roof and that helps you drift off to sleep.
Sound to good to be true? It is. It's a doll house alright. That's if your name is Chucky....and you've got a bride to match.
Sometimes I feel like Lily Munster, mistress of the miniature mansion from he77.
Yes, Mother Nature sucked me in but didn't tell me that these new spring flowers that I just picked were poison sumac. She also didn't tell me that living rural meant no snow plows and downed power lines for two weeks. The TV went off just as Jon Bon Jovi was about to take his shirt off. That was torture.
I love to open my windows during the summertime but every time someone comes flying up my dirt road, it blows dirt in my house and looks like I haven't dusted in a year and would somebody please shut that darn neighbor's donkey up? Hee Haw Hee Haw at 4:00 every single morning like clock-work. Then he continues all day long at 5 minute intervals that loud, very loud, very annoying noise. Give me a break and stuff a sock in his mouth PLEASE!
Come join me on my porch for some lemonade, but watch those steps They're a little loose, you'll fall through. Sorry, you'll have to step over the dog because he ain't moving. Watch out for him too, he bites everyone and that pile of vomit over there belongs to him, but no worries, he'll eat it. And be careful around those apples. They are loaded with bumble bees. I got stung three times already this morning. No matter, I've got plenty of Bennedryl if they getcha. If I ever see another apple it will be too soon. Apple pie, apple butter, apple sauce, forget that.
Who has time to be cooking up apples when they have a whole house to renovate? That's right, that squeaky floor finally had to be investigated and low and behold, just as I had suspected, there were 400 generations of mice that had taken up residence under that thar floor. There they were the dirty little squatters kicking back underneath my floor watching tv with us every night through the spaces of that rotted out wood that had separated over time. Now if that wasn't an experience to get rid of them and what's that you say? You aren't sure you got all of them? Some of them may have escaped and are now living in my walls? That's lovely. And oh, how much did that cost to rip up our entire floor of the house? Golly gee whiz, somebody forgot to lay a complete foundation under there too. Oh joy. How much is it going to cost to pump concrete under an entire house? Are you kidding?
Yea those giant oaks sure turned out to be a problem. Tapping on my window alright. Every time we have a strong wind, the limbs break off and fall all over the place. Finally busted my window. The other night, two big branches went flying off and landed on the truck, denting it up in 4 places.
Seems that no tree trimmers in the business wants to come over and trim them down or chop them down because they are already towering at some 70 feet high up in the air. They say that's too dangerous a job for them. We have to find a tree trimming company that has buckets and plenty of heavy duty equipment and that will cost how much you say? $2,000 a tree??? There MUST be a way we can cut a deal. Need apples?
What is that smell coming from the bathroom? No, it's not that! It's something else, something very odd. Something like........the septic tank has a problem? You say that the trunks of the oak trees have gotten into the hole of the septic tank that connects it to the WHAT??????? And every time we flush the toilet now the waste is backfiring and coming back in instead of going out? Nobody has cleaned it out in 50 years ? Give me the figure, I'm sitting down. Ok, I fell off the chair. Suppose I have to replace that old linoleum in there too after this. Normally by now I would request that Calgon take me away, but the bathtub has a big crack in it.
I've had a long day. I'm going to bed as soon as I can figure out what is making that scratching sound in my bedroom walls.
Welcome to country living.
Who wouldn't want to live out in the country? The sounds of mother nature at her finest is enough to pull me towards it like a magnet. The spring time wild flowers bursting through the earth, the soft summer breeze kisses your face as it blows across the fields, the crackle of the fallen leaves under your feet in the fall, and the white blanket of new fallen snow that covers your pastures is a cherished gift. And so lays the background for your pursuit for country living. You are getting back to basics in air that you can breath, in a place where you have chosen to travel a meandering dirt road, vs the city pavement where a drive by shooting just took place. Instead of fire engines clanging and police car sirens, you hear the moo of a cow, or the bray of a jack, and of course, the nicker of your horse.
You see the old country farm house as a modest refreshing delight with character and charm. Freshly picked bushel baskets filled with apples adorn your back porch, from the trees in your orchard . There's two aged rockers on the front porch where you sit with the family dog while enjoying your freshly squeezed lemonade. The old wooden floor throughout the home has a few choice squeaks that just adds to this charm more and more. The bathroom floor is covered in old linoleum that you haven't seen since 1960 and it reminds of you memories long past. Your little eat in kitchen is quaint and tiny and there's a boquet of freshly picked flowers from your own garden on the table. When you go to sleep at night, you hear the tapping of branches against your bedroom window that keeps time like a pendulum. You can hear the pitterpat your little barn kitties as they run across your roof and that helps you drift off to sleep.
Sound to good to be true? It is. It's a doll house alright. That's if your name is Chucky....and you've got a bride to match.
Sometimes I feel like Lily Munster, mistress of the miniature mansion from he77.
Yes, Mother Nature sucked me in but didn't tell me that these new spring flowers that I just picked were poison sumac. She also didn't tell me that living rural meant no snow plows and downed power lines for two weeks. The TV went off just as Jon Bon Jovi was about to take his shirt off. That was torture.
I love to open my windows during the summertime but every time someone comes flying up my dirt road, it blows dirt in my house and looks like I haven't dusted in a year and would somebody please shut that darn neighbor's donkey up? Hee Haw Hee Haw at 4:00 every single morning like clock-work. Then he continues all day long at 5 minute intervals that loud, very loud, very annoying noise. Give me a break and stuff a sock in his mouth PLEASE!
Come join me on my porch for some lemonade, but watch those steps They're a little loose, you'll fall through. Sorry, you'll have to step over the dog because he ain't moving. Watch out for him too, he bites everyone and that pile of vomit over there belongs to him, but no worries, he'll eat it. And be careful around those apples. They are loaded with bumble bees. I got stung three times already this morning. No matter, I've got plenty of Bennedryl if they getcha. If I ever see another apple it will be too soon. Apple pie, apple butter, apple sauce, forget that.
Who has time to be cooking up apples when they have a whole house to renovate? That's right, that squeaky floor finally had to be investigated and low and behold, just as I had suspected, there were 400 generations of mice that had taken up residence under that thar floor. There they were the dirty little squatters kicking back underneath my floor watching tv with us every night through the spaces of that rotted out wood that had separated over time. Now if that wasn't an experience to get rid of them and what's that you say? You aren't sure you got all of them? Some of them may have escaped and are now living in my walls? That's lovely. And oh, how much did that cost to rip up our entire floor of the house? Golly gee whiz, somebody forgot to lay a complete foundation under there too. Oh joy. How much is it going to cost to pump concrete under an entire house? Are you kidding?
Yea those giant oaks sure turned out to be a problem. Tapping on my window alright. Every time we have a strong wind, the limbs break off and fall all over the place. Finally busted my window. The other night, two big branches went flying off and landed on the truck, denting it up in 4 places.
Seems that no tree trimmers in the business wants to come over and trim them down or chop them down because they are already towering at some 70 feet high up in the air. They say that's too dangerous a job for them. We have to find a tree trimming company that has buckets and plenty of heavy duty equipment and that will cost how much you say? $2,000 a tree??? There MUST be a way we can cut a deal. Need apples?
What is that smell coming from the bathroom? No, it's not that! It's something else, something very odd. Something like........the septic tank has a problem? You say that the trunks of the oak trees have gotten into the hole of the septic tank that connects it to the WHAT??????? And every time we flush the toilet now the waste is backfiring and coming back in instead of going out? Nobody has cleaned it out in 50 years ? Give me the figure, I'm sitting down. Ok, I fell off the chair. Suppose I have to replace that old linoleum in there too after this. Normally by now I would request that Calgon take me away, but the bathtub has a big crack in it.
I've had a long day. I'm going to bed as soon as I can figure out what is making that scratching sound in my bedroom walls.
Welcome to country living.