New and yet not so new

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2011
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Sugarloaf, PA

First of all we would like to thank Mary Lou for her job in designing our beautiful Feature Farm Ad , not to mention her dedication in running this website for all miniature horse enthusiasts.


We decided to finally join this forum. We have learned so much from all of you in the past 6 years. As a community of Nuns we strive for quality in our breeding program, and have about 30 miniature horses. The miniature horse is beautiful part of God's creation but along with the equine we have bovine and ovine. Two miniature jersey cows provide dairy products for the community. Wensleydale sheep + angora goats + angora rabbits produce fleece for sale or our own spinning. We also operate a small bakery. These several occupations have kept us busy and awaiting the right time to join the forum.

We have found many new and wonderful friends in the world of mini horses - and to some of you we are not "new" but old friends. We thank God for bringing you into our lives and together we rejoice in the wonder of His creation.

This small slideshow created about 2 years ago will give you some idea about our place. Slideshow
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Welcome to the forum!

I look forward to your joining in and posting more.
Welcome to the forum, it's great that you finally made it over here! I met your stallion Pete a few years back when he was out with Eileen Braccio, she had a yearling of mine at the time. You certainly do have quality horses!
Ladies, thank you for your welcome and compliments on our horses!

We too are glad that we finally made it here

Mydaddysjag, Eileen Braccio still shows our horses. We LOVE her. We have a long way to go but I think we are on the right track with our horses.
Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here!

Hi and welcome to the forum
I think that you both will like it here. Love your horses, so many beautiful animals.

Welcome to the forum. I have heard of you ever since I got into minis, always with the best of comments. I loved your slideshow.
Welcome! I'm so glad you decided to join the Forum! And I absolutely love the collage used in the Feature Farm spot!! Very nice, indeed!

Eileen is excellent, if she didnt move away, I would still be sending my horses to her. Right now I have performance horses, so send them out to Bill Eperthener (He trained Eileens stallion Sting to drive)
Sister Kristina & Mother Marija- It's great to have you join in here on the forum! It was so wonderful to be able to meet twice this year in person, and look forward to more visits in the future! You have many wonderful horses, and a beautiful place.
Thank you all for your welcome. I am glad you liked the slideshow.

Kim, you are probably the only one from the forum that visited us. We are very happy to know you!!!

Mydaddysjag, Eileen's Sting is gorgeous and I know she said that Bill is the best driving trainer in our area.

Pam, nice to join you on this group as well. Mary Lou is the one who did the collage and we LOVE it as well!

Glad to meet more spot lovers
I want to say welcome and congratulations to CMC On Angels Wings with his Reserve World Championship and to his owner Julie Good.
Thank you Becky. We are so excited for Eagle and Julie. She is doing a great job with him

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