Well-Known Member
First of all we would like to thank Mary Lou for her job in designing our beautiful Feature Farm Ad , not to mention her dedication in running this website for all miniature horse enthusiasts.
We decided to finally join this forum. We have learned so much from all of you in the past 6 years. As a community of Nuns we strive for quality in our breeding program, and have about 30 miniature horses. The miniature horse is beautiful part of God's creation but along with the equine we have bovine and ovine. Two miniature jersey cows provide dairy products for the community. Wensleydale sheep + angora goats + angora rabbits produce fleece for sale or our own spinning. We also operate a small bakery. These several occupations have kept us busy and awaiting the right time to join the forum.
We have found many new and wonderful friends in the world of mini horses - and to some of you we are not "new" but old friends. We thank God for bringing you into our lives and together we rejoice in the wonder of His creation.
This small slideshow created about 2 years ago will give you some idea about our place. Slideshow
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